3 Ways To Avoid A Stained Smile

womancoveringmouthbangsIt’s wonderful to learn that in the event you experience a discolored smile, there’s a handful of cosmetic dentistry treatments that can go to work quickly to address the problem and give you that glowing smile back. However, it’s even nicer to find out how to avoid any staining in the first place. For a few simple suggestions regarding how to keep your smile looking lovely for many years to come, consider our friendly advice.

#1: Take Care Of Your Teeth At Home

To prevent the need for cosmetic dentistry, you will want to focus heavily on your preventive care in your own bathroom. In addition to helping you avoid a number of hygiene-related diseases like decay, simply brushing and flossing like we have suggested will keep your teeth clean and free of the pigmented substances (like food and beverage residue) that cause discoloration.

#2: Be Careful With Staining Foods (And More)

If something can stain your teeth, you want to avoid it, limit it, or remember to rinse with water after consuming it (followed by brushing your smile). This may include tobacco, coffee, dark juices, berries, tea, deeply colored sauces, red wine, or anything else that is known for its deep pigmentation. Keep stain makers off of your teeth and you won’t need cosmetic dentistry for whitening purposes.

#3: Don’t Underestimate Your Dental Cleanings

You might think that dental cleanings with us are just a formality but that is far from the truth. You may not notice it but even with your best efforts, you’re not removing all of the plaque (and the tartar) from your teeth. Consistent attention to both care at home and professional cleanings will keep your teeth nice and clean which, in turn, will reduce the chance of staining.