Making Your Smile Whiter: A Quiz

quizblueDo you know how to make your smile whiter? You might have some very helpful knowledge regarding how you can prevent the development of stains. You might even know a thing or two about traditional teeth whitening. However, when it comes to the subtle nuances that come into play when we suggest a variety of treatment options for different needs, are you all caught up on those solutions? See whether you’ve learned more than you previously assumed (or if there’s room for a bit more education). Take our quiz!

Quiz Questions: Is It True … Or False?

  1. True or False: Except in extenuating circumstances, we prefer to offer teeth whitening to our patients as a means of helping them attain a whiter grin.
  2. True or False: If you have a small stain on a single tooth, chances are good that we suggest you learn to ignore the stain. It’s not necessarily worth turning to cosmetic dentistry for such a minor complaint.
  3. True or False: When a patient is dealing with staining that has occurred from within the tooth (such as that caused by trauma), we will suggest that the patient seek specialty care elsewhere.

Quiz Answers

  1. False. We only suggest teeth whitening when it’s the best decision for a patient’s needs. This is not the only or best way to whiten teeth. It is simply one very effective option for mild to moderate stains.
  2. False. As a matter of fact, we are quite detail-oriented! Whether you have a very obvious esthetic concern or one tiny stain that is making you see your smile as unattractive, we are here to help. We offer dental bonding as a way to easily cover a tiny blemish.
  3. False. We offer the specialized care you need with our cosmetic dentistry treatments! In most instances, we will explain porcelain veneers to you, which camouflage and improve all manner of cosmetic eyesores (including deep discoloration).