Tooth Decay: Fast Facts

factssignHow much knowledge would you say you have gathered about tooth decay? Would you say you are well aware that we can repair the problem with a dental filling but that regarding additional details, you don’t know much more? No worries. We are always here to help you become more familiar with what’s happening with your smile and how to keep it safe. When it comes to decay, it’s beneficial to get to know the ins and outs, so you can better avoid it (and avoid complications). Let’s expand your knowledge a bit with some fast facts.

It Might (Or Might Not) Hurt

You may assume that you’ll instantly know you’re dealing with tooth decay because your tooth will hurt. Actually, your tooth might hurt. Or, it might not. Or, a toothache may arrive that you assume is connected to decay but it’s something else.

We Can Treat It Quickly

Don’t rely wholly on your own senses to find out if you have decay. Instead, remember that every six months, you should see us for an exam. If we detect tooth decay, we can treat it immediately before it has the opportunity to harm your oral health significantly.

It Can Ruin Your Tooth

If decay is not treated immediately, it can lead to the demise of your tooth. The tissue will continue to decay. A hole will form. Eventually, you may be left with a broken tooth and very little tissue.

Infection May Occur

Decay commonly leads to infection, which will require something other than a filling. Instead, you will likely end up requiring a root canal treatment to address the infection and a crown to save your tooth. Maintain your smile health every day to avoid this type of trauma.