Dental Care Quiz: Times And Schedules

quizkeyboardredHow well do you think you’ve got your schedule sorted out for your dental care? Do you know how long to brush your teeth? Are you certain about how frequently you should visit us? Fortunately, these questions are very easy for us to answer (though the facts might elude you if you go elsewhere for them). If you have more questions, please feel free to ask us in person. For the time being, check out your progress with a quiz.

Quiz Questions: True or False?

  1. True or False: When you’re practicing your home dental care, your twice daily brushing should take a total of two minutes.
  2. True or False: It’s important not only to remember that you should come in for your preventive care checkups and cleanings with us consistently but also that you do so once annually.
  3. True or False: If it takes you longer than one minute to floss your smile, you need to hurry up.

Quiz Answers

  1. False. All together, your brushing should take four minutes every day. Why? Well, you should brush for two minutes during your first session (in the morning) and another two minutes during your nighttime session.
  2. False. You should have a cleaning and checkup on the books twice every year, not once. We recommend spacing your appointments out by about six months, so you’re seeing us consistently, every six months, for effective dental care.
  3. False. You should take as long as you need to effectively and thoroughly floss your entire smile. If you’re unsure how long this takes most patients, about two minutes to three minutes is quite common.