Gum Problems: Less Obvious Causes

When you think about gum problems that you may end up noticing, you figure that they’re all caused by one thing: When you decide you’re not going to take very good care of your smile. However, what if you do take excellent care of your teeth and gums but you end up noticing something isn’t quite right with this soft tissue? What else could it be, you wonder? A few less obvious causes will help you see there are often multiple answers!

Inflammation Due To Hormones

You might be going through your usual dental hygiene that you practice every day and that has always been just fine. However, now you’re dealing with a big change in hormones (it could be pregnancy, menopause, puberty, etc.). This causes the blood flow in your gums to increase (which, thereby, makes gum tissue more sensitive to inflammation). See us about this, so we can help you avoid gingivitis and oral health consequences.

Discomfort From Hot Temps

When we talk about “hot” we are referring to either food that has a high temperature or food or drinks that are quite spicy. You may end up irritating your gum tissue if you are sensitive to either of these types of heat. Or, if you’re already experiencing gum problems, heat may make matters worse. Avoid it for now!

Recession Because Of Aggressive Care

You might notice you’re experiencing gum problems because your gum tissue has been receding. However, you’re fairly sure you don’t have gum disease! What could it be? Well, aggressive care is often the answer. When you’re too rough, gums try to get away. Let us help you with this situation.

Protect Gums By Learning About Them During Visits

Learn about current concerns, how to fix them, and how to prevent future problems when you see our team for a gum visit! Contact Absolute Dental Care today in Virginia Beach, VA to schedule a visit by calling (757) 428-7440. We proudly welcome patients Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, Suffolk, Hampton, Eastern Shore, and all surrounding communities.