Scheduling Your Cleaning And Checkup: Problems And Solutions

When you’re thinking about scheduling your dental cleaning and checkup with us, you may have a nice feeling on the inside about the fact that you’re planning on caring for your oral health. That is, until a problem arises that threatens to get in the way of your following through with this simple and beneficial intention. So, what to do? Never fear: Our Virginia Beach, VA team is here to guide you.

Problem: You Always Forget

Solution: Any type of reminder you could possibly provide for yourself is what you should rely on. Maybe you ask a close friend to let you know when she schedules her visits. Perhaps you plan all of your visits on your birthday and then your spouse’s birthday. That way, you get in the habit of always calling to set up care on the same days every year! Or, you take a more traditional approach and rely on a notebook, daily planner, etc. in which you give yourself written reminders to call our team to schedule your dental cleaning and checkup.

Problem: You Don’t Want To Know What’s Wrong

Solution: If you are fairly certain that something is wrong with your smile, you may decide that you’d rather not schedule your dental cleaning and checkup because you’d rather live in blissful ignorance! While you may be able to pretend nothing is wrong for a while, our team reminds you that this cannot last forever. Pain, swelling, or some type of very obvious sign will eventually take hold. Trust us when we say that you’d much rather receive a diagnosis and treatment long before this happens. We promise we will be compassionate and gentle! There’s no reason to avoid care.

Problem: You Always Feel Like You’re Short On Time

We frequently hear from patients that they kept meaning to call to schedule a dental cleaning and checkup only to realize that their schedule was too full and they had to wait another week. Rather than relying on last-minute planning, we encourage patients to plan far, far in advance. That way, you know months out that you have a visit with us and can plan around it with ease!

Plan Your Checkups Easily With Our Team

With just a little bit of help from our team, you can feel much more relaxed about scheduling your dental cleanings and checkups with us! Contact Absolute Dental Care today in Virginia Beach, VA to schedule a visit by calling (757) 428-7440. We proudly welcome patients Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, Suffolk, Hampton, Eastern Shore, and all surrounding communities.