3 Reasons Your Gums Don’t Feel So Good

How is your oral health doing these days? Is your main complaint the fact that your gums don’t feel so good? Before you jump to any conclusions about what must be happening, our Virginia Beach, VA team reminds you that there are many different potential reasons for your discomfort. So, rather than trying to diagnose yourself, consider some of our thoughts on the topic and remember that unless you are completely certain, it’s always a good idea to come in for a dental visit just in case.

It’s A Canker Sore!

You may feel like the entire bottom left side of your mouth is inflamed and uncomfortable and you assume it’s your gum tissue. However, remember that when you have a canker sore, it can be extremely uncomfortable and lead to widespread sensations of irritation. Do yourself a favor when you notice this type of feeling: Take a look in the mirror. If you see a whitish colored sore that’s surrounded by red tissue, then you know that’s the problem. You may use a topical numbing treatment or simply leave it alone. Rinse with salt water. The sore should heal! However, if it doesn’t, call us and come in for an oral health visit.

It’s The Too-Hot Or Too-Spicy Foods

Some people can eat very hot foods and/or very spicy foods without consequence. However, are you one of those people? You may find that after eating particularly spicy food or hot foods that your gums don’t feel so wonderful. If this is the case, then simply make sure to let your food cool off first. Or, back off of the heavy spices and introduce one at a time to see what type of reaction you have. Remember, as well, that if your gums are already inflamed or irritated, reacting to heat or spice may be a sign that you should come in to see our team for an oral health visit.

It Might Be Gum Disease

As you may have guessed, it is possible that your irritation is the result of gum disease. Unless you can quickly narrow down this discomfort to something specific and unless it completely goes away very quickly, you should come in. The sooner we treat gum problems, the better!

Let Us Help You With Effective Gum Care

When you think something is not quite right with your gum health, it’s time to come see us! Contact Absolute Dental Care today in Virginia Beach, VA to schedule a visit by calling (757) 428-7440. We proudly welcome patients Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, Suffolk, Hampton, Eastern Shore, and all surrounding communities.