Invisalign: Sneaky Holiday Problems You Can Completely Avoid!

You may look around the room and then point to yourself questioningly, saying, “Me? I would never fall for any problems with my trays!” We understand. You may think that you are completely immune to the potential issues that you’re facing with your Invisalign treatment this holiday season because most of the time, you’re quite good about following all of the rules. However, even with your pristine track record, our Virginia Beach, VA team must admit that you are just as likely as anyone else to become shockingly swept away by the fun that can happen over the course of holiday celebrations! To help you avoid this, we’ve got simple but very important secrets to share with you!

You Really Need A What-Should-I-Pack List

Our team suggests this for everyone, all the time, when it comes to travel: Write out a list. Look at it multiple times (especially just as you’re closing your suitcase). Make sure your Invisalign treatment is in there. Simple!

Know Where Your Trays Are At All Times

You’ve chosen to receive Invisalign treatment with us because you want a better looking, aligned smile! You knew once you received your trays that you would need to keep up with them. At home, this is quite simple to do because you get into habits either in your home or when you’re out and about. However, when your daily routine shifts dramatically, it can throw your usual experience right out the window (where you really don’t want your trays to end up if you can help it!). Do yourself a favor: Consider planning ahead for moments when your trays will not be in your mouth and if you’re traveling, plan when you arrive at your holiday destination, so you always know where your trays are. That way, they cannot accidentally go missing.

Avoid Ever Giving Into “Just This Once” Thinking

If you don’t want to end up with any type of damage to your Invisalign treatment trays or to your oral health, for that matter, this is one very helpful suggestion, the gravity of which you just may not understand until the holidays roll through. We would like to help you before you end up with problems, so:

  • Don’t eat with those trays in (or drink anything but water), not even once!
  • Don’t forget to rinse and brush as we suggest!
  • Remember to wear your trays for the suggested time, so treatment continues on schedule!

Keep Your Invisalign Treatment Right On Track!

Don’t let the holidays derail your otherwise excellent experience with your Invisalign treatment! We can help you stay the course! Contact Absolute Dental Care today in Virginia Beach, VA to schedule a visit by calling (757) 428-7440. We proudly welcome patients Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, Suffolk, Hampton, Eastern Shore, and all surrounding communities.