Things You Really Can Admit To Your Virginia Beach Dentist

There are some things you might be feeling too uncomfortable to admit to your Virginia Beach dentist! If you think that you’re the only patient that has ever felt this way, think again! In addition, if you think you need to hide anything about your smile, your habits, or your oral health questions with us, think again! Whether you’re feeling embarrassed, unsure, a little (or a lot) behind, or anything else, try to think of us as a judgment free space, where you can talk with our Virginia Beach, VA team without feeling worried! We’re simply here to provide you with exceptional dental care!

That It’s Been Years Since You Received Care

Your Virginia Beach dentist is not going to be shocked if you admit that it has been years since you received dental care. This isn’t necessarily because your smile is going to give it away. Instead, it’s because many, many patients (for a wide variety of reasons) end up missing essential professional smile care for years and even decades of time. We know that the time can slip away from you and you look up one day, wondering what to do. To help you make the most of your care and to help you recognize that you can be open with our practice, feel free to tell your dentist the facts about your smile care history!

That You Aren’t Sure About Brushing And Flossing

If you think that you’re the only person who has ever really wanted, as an adult, to ask if you’re brushing and flossing correctly, you’re not. Keep in mind that your Virginia Beach dentist prefers that you ask for guidance, so you can be certain your care is optimized.

That You Don’t Understand What We’re Saying

Maybe we have explained a topic to you, provided a diagnosis, or offered you some other sort of explanation related to your smile. Only, for some reason, you’re not entirely sure about what we mean, you cannot recall the details of something we have said, or you think you’re missing a detail. Your Virginia Beach dentist reminds you that it is perfectly okay to let us know that you need clarification! We won’t be offended. Feel free to ask questions, to say you don’t entirely understand, or to ask us to repeat ourselves. We know that dental care details are second nature to us but that this may be the first time you’re hearing something!

Enjoy An Open Dialogue With Our Dental Team

Don’t feel as though you cannot be open and honest with our friendly and compassionate dental team. Let us know what you’re thinking, ask us questions, and remember that our number one goal is to help your smile! Contact Absolute Dental Care today in Virginia Beach, VA to schedule a visit by calling (757) 428-7440. We proudly welcome patients Virginia Beach and all surrounding communities.