Fill Your Holidays With Energy: Sleep Apnea Edition 

When you have sleep apnea, do you know what happens? If not, join our Virginia Beach, VA team as we work our way through some important details. The soft tissues near your throat may slide back. The muscles in your throat will relax, which will let the tissues they support touch each other. A full collapse will occur, yielding fully closed airways, which means you stop breathing. This happens up to hundreds of times nightly (until you receive sleep apnea treatment with us, of course). Clearly, this isn’t something that will work for you over the upcoming holidays (nor is it something that is working for you right now). Let’s talk about the next steps you should take immediately!

Come In As Soon As You Can!

Your Virginia Beach dentist reminds you that when you want a holiday experience during which you’re full of energy and ready for fun, you’re going to want to be able to actually sleep and rest. If you’re not certain about sleep apnea but you think it may be impacting you, come see us as soon as you possibly can. You can only begin truly treating the issue with professional sleep apnea treatment when you visit us for customized care.

Buckle Down Right Away!

Follow our tips, begin implementing the sleep apnea treatment you receive from our team, and become extremely consistent right away! It may take a bit of time to get back into restful sleep that’s consistent (but the future and your holiday season looks bright if you start ASAP).

Make Your Treatment Your New Best Friend

Don’t accidentally travel without your sleep apnea treatment or skip a night. Keep it with you, use it nightly, and you’ll protect not only your holidays but your long-term sleep and well being!

Strive For A Balanced Holiday Sleep Schedule

Yes, it can be extremely hard to maintain a solid sleep schedule throughout your holiday season. However, your Virginia Beach dentist asks that you simply try and do your best, so you can promote an easier experience with getting your sleep apnea under control. It’s easier to pop your sleep apnea treatment in place, fall asleep, get enough sleep, and get up refreshed when you’re on a schedule and routine (and it’s easier to not forget your oral appliance)!

Treat Sleep Apnea ASAP

Protect your health now and protect your enjoyment of the upcoming holiday season, while you provide yourself with the treatment you need for solid sleep. Come in soon to find out more regarding sleep apnea care! Contact Absolute Dental Care today in Virginia Beach, VA to schedule a visit by calling (757) 428-7440. We proudly welcome patients Virginia Beach and all surrounding communities.