Prevention Suggestions From Your Restorative Dentist?

You may expect to receive lots of tips, ideas, suggestions, and encouragement about restorative dentistry from your Virginia Beach restorative dentist, of course. However, when you suddenly find yourself receiving suggestions about preventive care, you may find yourself feeling a bit lost. Aren’t you supposed to focus on either one or the other, you ask? Well, actually, our Virginia Beach, VA team reminds you that caring for your smile often requires multiple courses of action at one time (and, hint-hint: prevention always needs to be a part of your daily routine). Let’s break down some important details for you through easy-to-understand recommendations!

Choose Restorative Care To Get Back To Basics

Your Virginia Beach restorative dentist wants you to remember that when all is well with your oral health, you’re easily protecting your smile with preventive care. However, if you have an ongoing problem you’re ignoring, you’re putting forth effort that cannot fully pay off. So, get that restorative treatment you need. Get your oral health back in good shape. Then, get back to basics with the usual prevention for wonderful results.

Remember, The Two Can Go Hand In Hand

You may think that the moment something is wrong with your oral health, it’s time to stop your preventive care until the issue is solved. This is not accurate! Even though you may have a cavity, infection, or otherwise, remember that your prevention is something that needs to happen 24/7, every single day of your life. It allows you to stop a problem from becoming much worse, while it also permits you to prevent additional oral health problems from developing. You don’t want a cavity and to then allow gingivitis and additional tooth decay to develop, after all! So, your Virginia Beach restorative dentist reminds you to continue brushing twice a day and flossing, and see us soon for the restorative care you need!

Prevention Is Amazing But It’s Not Everything

Your Virginia Beach restorative dentist reminds you that preventive dental care can certainly provide you with amazing protection. However, it’s also important for you to recognize that if a problem arises, it’s not because prevention is faulty or that you’re failing. Instead, you get to receive repairs from us, as we talk with you about how to do better in the future (or, as you smile and realize that sometimes, accidents happen but you’re about to get back on track!). Have questions? Just call us!

Rely On The Dental Care You Need

Don’t assume that you may only rely on one type of dental care at a time! Come in for the comprehensive attention your smile requires, while always remembering to keep up with your prevention! Contact Absolute Dental Care today in Virginia Beach, VA to schedule a visit by calling (757) 428-7440. We proudly welcome patients Virginia Beach and all surrounding communities.