Arranging A Smile Makeover With Your Virginia Beach Dentist

When a person is unhappy with the way they look when they smile, it can be beneficial to learn more about cosmetic dentistry. When you look into possible treatments, you can discover that your Virginia Beach, VA dentist can make some truly exciting changes to the way you look in less time – and with fewer changes to your tooth structure – than you expect. If you think it might take multiple procedures to fully improve your smile, you can learn more about planning a custom smile makeover experience. During a smile makeover, we can work with you to find the most direct, patient-friendly path to making all of your desired changes to the way you look.

Should You Look Into Planning A Smile Makeover?

If you have several teeth that appear damaged or misshapen, or if you worry that a successful cosmetic treatment may require multiple procedures, a smile makeover can be beneficial. When planning a smile makeover, we can work out what changes you might like made to the way you look before recommending treatment options. In order to make the process as easy and convenient as possible, we can look for ways to minimize your time in the dentist’s chair, while also limiting how much work is actually performed on your smile.

Reviewing The Cosmetic Procedures Available To You

What kind of services can help a person feel better about the way their teeth look? If you have multiple problems that you want to fix, we can start talking to you about porcelain veneers, which can address discoloration, wear and tear, and even problems with dental trauma. Many people who expect they will need multiple procedures can actually have all of their issues addressed with veneers. In other cases, we can move forward with bonding and contouring work to directly target flaws that affect the way you look. Because this work does not require any permanent restorations, it can lead to fewer changes to your tooth structure, and it can lead to shorter treatment.

We Can Help You Keep Your Smile In Great Shape

After you complete cosmetic treatment, your concerns can shift from smile makeover to smile maintenance! At regular dental exams, we can help you sustain the quality of your smile by performing regular cleanings, as well as careful evaluations to look for any signs of poor oral health that might need to be addressed. Combining professional and daily oral care can help you preserve a smile you are eager to continue showing off.

Talk To Absolute Dental Care About A Smile Makeover!

At Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA, you can discuss the benefits of making over your smile with the right cosmetic care. We have experience providing significant cosmetic improvements, and we can help ensure that you feel confident in the way you look. For more information, call Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA, today at (757) 428-7440.