Show Off An Improved Smile After Invisalign Treatment

As long as you see that aggravating gap, or notice those teeth that seem just out of place, you can have a hard time feeling truly confident in your smile. Poor dental alignment can affect the way many people look. While orthodontic treatment often occurs during childhood, the matter can still affect many adults. Even the people who had work done may notice that their teeth have shifted back into their inappropriate positions. Your Virginia Beach dentist is prepared to help you if you feel unhappy with the way that you currently look. Thanks to Invisalign treatment, we can make your smile adjustment discreet. While the removable clear appliances you receive make treatment feel easier, you can be happy to know that this adjustment is capable of producing meaningful results.

Does The Alignment Of Your Smile Make You Self-Conscious?

Even a relatively minor issue with poor dental alignment can hurt the confidence you have in your smile. A minor gap, teeth that intersect each other awkwardly, and teeth that are just out of place enough to throw off the symmetry of your smile can have a big toll on your appearance. While it is sometimes possible for cosmetic dental work to help cover up these flaws, it may be more appropriate to straighten teeth.

Planning Treatment With Invisalign Aligners

Before your custom aligners can be designed, your dentist will have to take careful measurements of your teeth and oral structures. It is important that Invisalign appliances fit properly, and that they are capable of moving teeth to their appropriate locations. A sequence of clear braces will be given to you, with each one bringing you another step closer to your fully restored smile. While you should wear the appropriate appliances for as much time as possible each day, it is okay for you to remove them when you eat, or when cleaning your smile.

Should I Follow Invisalign Treatment With Additional Cosmetic Work?

You can be thrilled to see how your smile is improved after it is straightened. With that said, this may be just one part of a larger overall plan you have to improve the way you look. Invisalign can help make your smile more uniform and attractive, but it can hardly be expected to remove teeth stains. For many patients, a teeth whitening treatment after Invisalign can help them feel a big surge in their confidence.

Talk To Absolute Dental Care About Starting Invisalign Treatment!

At Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA, patients who are bothered by their appearance due to crooked teeth can meet with us to discuss Invisalign. With these discreet appliances, you can finally fix gaps and overlaps that have become a problem for the way you look, and smile with renewed confidence! For more information, contact Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at (757) 428-7440 to schedule a visit.