Make An Effort To Lower Your Risk For Tooth Injuries

While there are hardly “good” dental problems to have, it can be particularly upsetting to have a tooth chip, crack, or break in some other way. While accidents do happen, a problem with a dental injury can be more likely if your enamel has been weakened, or if you engage in risky habits. Just as you should take care to protect yourself against tooth decay by brushing and flossing, you should think about what your risk is for dental damage. Our Virginia Beach, VA dentist can talk to you about signs of wear and tear during a dental examination, and we can help you identify habits that might weaken your enamel. 

Do Something About A Habit Of Chewing On Hard Surfaces

While chewing on ice cubes or pen caps may seem harmless, there is a chance that you could break your tooth. An injury can put you in a situation where you need to see your dentist as soon as possible for treatment, as you face a risk for further damage or infection. Cutting these habits out can also reduce the effects of gradual wear and tear, which can make changes to the shapes of teeth.

Controlling A Teeth Grinding Habit

People who grind their teeth at night can feel trapped by their problem. After all, what can you really do to make yourself stop doing something that is happening unconsciously? For people who regularly struggle with this issue, known as bruxism, your dentist can provide a custom mouth guard. You can also make changes by adjusting your sleep position, making an effort to relax before bedtime, or by making changes that remove alcohol and caffeine from your daily diet.

Did You Know? Acidic Foods And Drinks Can Weaken Your Enamel

When you think about your diet and its connection to your oral health, your first concern can be whether your habits are putting you at risk for tooth decay. You are more likely to need a dental filling or dental crown in the future if you are eating a less healthy, more sugar-rich diet. With that said, sugar is not the only issue when it comes to your diet. Acidic foods and drinks can actually weaken your enamel over time. This can pose more than just a threat to your well-being, as the softening effect of acidic products can also make it easier for you to accumulate teeth stains.

Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist Can Restore Injured Teeth

At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, our patients can count on treatment for a dental injury that affects their smile and oral health. If you have questions about our services, you can contact Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach by calling (757) 428-7440.