Is Restorative Dentistry Going To Affect The Way I Look?

There are consequences to ignoring signs of poor oral health. When a cavity forms, or when a tooth is physically injured, the condition of that tooth will worsen over time until you have the appropriate restorative dental work performed. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we can perform a review to see what kind of care you require so that we can make sure the issue is completely resolved. With the right treatment, we can protect your oral health while we also preserve the way you look. We offer dental fillings and dental crowns that can imitate healthy enamel, which lets us provide treatment without altering your appearance.

Restorative Services Are Required For Addressing Injuries And Cavities

When your tooth enamel is damaged by a cavity or physical injury, the health of the tooth will deteriorate until the appropriate treatment is provided to you. Restorative services take care of infected tissues and stop the spread of decay, which will prevent a problem from worsening. When necessary, treatment can include root canal therapy, which is performed to address problems that form in the tooth’s inner chamber. The complications from not treating active oral health problems can be serious, as they can include tooth loss and the spread of an infection.

What Kind Of Restoration Will You Require?

A cavity that is identified during a routine dental exam can be treated with a dental filling after bacteria and infected tissues are removed. The filling is a conservative treatment option, one that will only occupy the space where a tooth developed a cavity. While fillings are durable enough to provide lasting support, they are not recommended when you have a larger cavity, or you have a tooth that is physically injured, a dental crown can be used instead of a filling. When a crown is put in place, it completely covers a tooth above the gum line. With that coverage, it is possible to defend a tooth that has suffered more damage, which lets you keep it and avoid the need for a tooth extraction and dental prosthetic.

We Can Restore Your Incomplete Smile With A Lifelike Prosthetic Appliance

If there is not a way for us to save your tooth, we can instead move forward with replacing it with a lifelike dental prosthetic. A prosthetic can offer more than just the restoration of your smile. With a dental implant to hold your restoration, you can feel comfortable biting and chewing with your replacement tooth, and you can also avoid problems with jawbone deterioration, which affects people after losing teeth.

Talk To Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist About Restorative Dentistry

Through the appropriate restorative dental work, our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office can save your smile by placing a lifelike dental filling or dental crown on a vulnerable tooth. To find out more about the services we offer, contact Absolute Dental Care at (757) 428-7440.