What Concerns Do You Have About Restorative Dentistry?

A good oral hygiene routine will protect you against the kinds of problems that require restorative dental work. If you are consistent about routine dental exams as well as daily care, you are less likely to struggle with tooth decay over time. Even if you are confident that you are protected against dental decay, it can be beneficial to know what restorative dentistry can involve. It is important to recognize that cavities do permanent damage to our tooth structure, making it necessary to receive dental fillings and dental crowns that can provide lasting support. Our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office is prepared to place lifelike restorations that match your tooth structure, and if necessary we can even take on problems with infection that occur when a cavity is not treated in time.

What Will It Take To Restore Your Tooth If You Have A Cavity?

The work involved in restoring a tooth’s health will change based on the severity of a cavity. For a relatively minor cavity, it is possible to restore your tooth with a custom dental filling. If the cavity grows too large for a filling, we can instead use a dental crown made to completely cover your tooth. Both of these restorations can cover a tooth without changing the way that it looks. Fillings made from composite material can even bond directly to your tooth structure to provide long-term support and lower your risk for problems over time.

Why Is Root Canal Therapy Sometimes Recommended For Treatment?

Root canal therapy is only required when your tooth becomes infected. This will occur when bacteria work through your enamel and gain access to the pulp, the tooth’s central chamber where living tissues are contained. While root canals are not something we expect you to look forward to, you should know that when they are needed they can save a tooth at risk for being lost. They also stop bacteria from spreading beyond a tooth to affect your health in other ways.

Will A Restorative Procedure Affect Your Smile?

Our tooth-colored fillings can bond to your enamel and cover a cavity without changing the way you look. We can provide dental crowns made from different material types, including substances that imitate a healthy tooth. Both porcelain and zirconia crowns can be used to restore teeth that are more visible when you smile and speak. While these restorations provide cosmetic benefits, they are also capable of supporting your bite function.

Talk To Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist’s Office About Restorative Dentistry

Your dentist’s office in Virginia Beach, VA is ready to help you if you need restorative work for a cavity! In addition to providing discreet and dependable restorations, we can perform root canal therapy when necessary to stop an advanced cavity. To find out more, please contact Absolute Dental Care at (757) 428-7440.