Stop Nightly Breathing Issues With A Sleep Apnea Appliance

Obstructive sleep apnea affects your breathing while you are at rest. Throughout the night, soft tissues in your throat can obstruct your airways and force you awake, a problem that resets your rest cycle and keeps you from enjoying the full benefits of sleep. While people sometimes assume that only a CPAP machine can help them manage this problem, your Virginia Beach, VA dentist can offer help in the form of a custom oral appliance. When your appliance is in place, it will keep your jaw positioned in a way that holds your breathing passages open and stops nightly interference from airway obstructions.

Is Sleep Apnea Negatively Affecting You?

Sleep apnea and snoring are closely linked, but there are other symptoms you can identify when this condition affects you. Because you are not completing your rest cycles during the night, you can experience issues that look like sleep deprivation, including a lack of energy, irritability, trouble focusing, and more. The nightly interruptions in your breathing can also lead to issues with elevated blood pressure. When you suspect that sleep apnea is an issue for you, make treatment a priority. If it goes on untreated, you can experience more difficulties from your inability to rest properly.

How A Custom Oral Appliance Corrects Problems With Sleep Apnea

Your dentist can supply you with a custom oral appliance that keeps your airways free of obstruction while you sleep. The guard is carefully designed to fit securely and stay in position throughout the night. While you rest, it will keep your jaw at a position to stop your airways from being constricted during the night. In addition to stopping issues with snoring, this can give you the ability to remain at rest and stop struggling with the unpleasant daytime problems associated with sleep apnea.

We Also Help With Nightly Teeth Grinding Problems!

At a routine dental evaluation, your dentist can discuss issues like sleep apnea as well as matters concerning your periodontal health or cavity risks. In fact, we can also help with another nighttime problem. If you grind your teeth during sleep, you can experience jaw pain, tooth pain and sensitivity, dental damage, and a greater risk for developing TMJ difficulties. With a custom night guard, you can rest without worrying that unconscious jaw grinding and clenching will create more difficulties for you!

Discuss Your Sleep Apnea Concerns With Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist!

Our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office is ready to help you deal with snoring and sleep apnea! With a custom sleep appliance, we can put these troubles behind you and let you once again enjoy the full benefits of a night’s rest. To find out more, contact Absolute Dental Care at (757) 428-7440.