Can Clear Braces Deliver Your Desired Smile Improvements?

If your smile is not symmetrical, it may seem awkward, out of balance, or just not as attractive as you would like. Problems with teeth spacing are often dealt with through orthodontic treatment. This sometimes means metal braces, but these adjustments can also be made with discreet clear aligners! By using Invisalign to fix your problems with poor teeth spacing, you can take care of an embarrassing cosmetic flaw without making it obvious you are undergoing an adjustment. You can also be happy to have appliances that you can easily remove at times when they might be in your way. To find out more about how clear braces can improve your smile, talk to your Virginia Beach, VA dentist!

How Clear Braces Improve A Person’s Smile

Clear braces can straighten teeth so that they are no longer affected by problems with gaps or overlaps, and so that you no longer have to fret that your smile might look awkward or uneven. You will wear a series of aligners over a set period of time. Each appliance is carefully made so that it will move teeth one step closer to their ideal positions. While you should keep these appliances in throughout the day to stay on track with your end of treatment date, you can take them out whenever you need to eat, or when you are about to clean your teeth.

Beginning Invisalign Treatment

To provide the right results, Invisalign appliances need to be tailored to the person whose smile is being restored. Because of this, we take care to gather measurements of your teeth and bite, which are used to create customized aligners. You should make a point to keep these aligners on throughout the day – because they are so difficult to see, it can be easy to keep them in place and remain confident even when you are in a significant social or professional environment.

Learn More About The Cosmetic Treatment Options Available To You

Are patients with poor smile alignment always told to use clear aligners? For some with milder problems with malocclusion, we may actually be able to help with other cosmetic dental services. Custom porcelain veneers can actually hide gaps and overlaps while also making teeth look whiter, and while hiding any damages that have affected enamel. Veneers boast an additional advantage – they can be placed in less time than it takes to straighten teeth, which means you have your results sooner!

Talk To Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist About Clear Braces

Your Virginia Beach, VA dentist is ready to help you take on problems with poor smile alignment! With Invisalign aligners, we can fix gaps and overlaps and generally make your smile more symmetrical. To find out more, please contact Absolute Dental Care at (757) 428-7440.