How Oral Appliances Help With Sleep Apnea And Other Concerns

Sleep apnea can become a serious problem, one that creates daily difficulties that you will have to endure until your condition is effectively treated. What may surprise you is that your dentist can actually help you with this problem. Through oral appliance therapy, we can correct problems with interrupted breathing that stop you from remaining at rest throughout the night. At our Virginia Beach, VA dental office, we can determine if this kind of treatment is called for, and we can supply you with an appliance that will help you breathe freely throughout the night. We can also use oral appliance therapy to help with issues like TMJ disorder and bruxism, two other issues that can negatively affect your daily life.

Using An Oral Appliance To Address Snoring And Sleep Apnea

With an oral appliance, we can help you breathe comfortably while you are asleep and put issues with sleep apnea behind you! Obstructive sleep apnea interferes with your rest cycle because your body has to awaken to clear airway blockages caused by soft tissues in your throat. With your appliance, you will be able to sleep soundly without causing interference with your breathing. This means the return of beneficial sleep, and a means of addressing a problem that can lead to high blood pressure, restlessness, difficulties in maintaining other health conditions, and more!

Trusting Oral Appliance Therapy To Address TMJ Disorder And Bruxism

Oral appliance therapy also makes it possible for us to correct issues with TMJ disorder and bruxism.

  • Bruxism is a problem with nightly teeth grinding. If not treated, it can lead to issues with dental damage, jaw pain, and other issues that affect your quality of life. An oral appliance will allow you to sleep soundly and not worry about the damage you can do by unconsciously grinding or clenching your jaw.
  • Through TMJ therapy with an oral appliance, we can address concerns with poor joint alignment or movement. Without corrective efforts, this problem can lead to bite difficulties, headaches, and other problems that impact your quality of life.

Your Dentist Can Help With More Than You Might Realize!

Regular dental checkups address more than just trouble with dental decay. At your regular appointments, Dr. Folck will look out for any issues that might impact your well-being. That means checking for cavities and gum disease, but it also means looking out for problems with TMJ disorder, sleep apnea, or any other oral health condition that can hurt your quality of life.

Talk To Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist To Learn How We Can Address Sleep Apnea And Other Concerns

At your Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, you can discuss oral appliance therapy to put different issues behind you! To find out more about oral appliance therapy for issues like sleep apnea, TMJ disorder, and bruxism, contact Absolute Dental Care at (757) 428-7440.