Booking A Dental Exam In Virginia Beach

Is your smile truly in good health? Is it possible that an issue with your oral health has developed without your realizing it? By keeping up with your regular dental exams, you can protect yourself against problems that might develop and worsen over time without your realizing it. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we provide thorough smile care by both evaluating your teeth and gums and professionally cleaning teeth. If it has been more than six months since your last appointment, you should make scheduling a preventive visit a priority. When you go too long without a review, you are more likely to experience problems that will call for care.

Is It Time For Your Next Dental Exam?

For patients who have not been told directly by their dentist to do otherwise, exams should take place on a semiannual basis. Your regular dental checkups give you feedback about your smile, which means you receive early warnings about issues like decay or gum disease. They also present opportunities for your dentist to warn you if you show signs of teeth grinding or TMJ disorder. At these visits, you also undergo a thorough teeth cleaning to remove plaque and tartar. When necessary, we can recommend that a patient receive a periodontal cleaning that can remove bacteria from below your gum line.

What Preventive Dental Care Does For You

Preventive dental appointments provide timely intervention for active problems as well as cleanings that make trouble with your smile less likely to occur. Early detection is important because your dentist can let you know that something is wrong before you experience painful complications. A cavity is always a concern, but it can be less of a concern when you only need to receive a filling – more severe problems with decay can call for root canal therapy and a dental crown. If you undergo a periodontal cleaning, we can address an infection before complications make it harder to treat. Advanced gum disease can turn into a serious issue, one that can lead to gum disease!

Arranging Treatment For A Problem Identified At A Checkup

After a checkup, you will hopefully have nothing more to do besides schedule your next visit…and keep up with good oral hygiene habits on your own. If you have a problem with your oral health that requires treatment, we can explain the matter and make sure you receive the appropriate care. In addition to discussing services to address tooth decay and gum disease, we can provide a plan to address issues like TMJ, teeth grinding, and more!

Schedule A Dental Checkup With Your Virginia Beach Dentist!

At your next dental checkup, you can receive important preventive services as well as timely warnings from your Virginia Beach, VA dentist about problems that have formed since your last appointment. If you need to schedule your next appointment, reach out to Absolute Dental Care at (757) 428-7440.