Resolving Difficulties With Sleep Apnea

Throughout the night, you should go through your rest cycle several times. This cycle of activity while you are at rest provides important benefits for your mental and physical health. Unfortunately, problems with sleep apnea can interfere with your sleep and disrupt it, leading to worsening problems over time. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we can take care of this issue by providing a custom oral appliance that addresses obstructive sleep apnea. For those who fail to remain at rest because of obstructed breathing, a custom appliance can put a stop to airway obstructions and help them once again enjoy truly beneficial slumber!

How Sleep Apnea Affects Your Quality Of Life

If you are not doing anything to address sleep apnea, you can experience several issues with your physical health, as well as with your mood and mental well-being. Fatigue is a common issue for people who have this problem. Simply put, your body is not enjoying the kind of physical recovery that it should during the night, leaving people drained and sluggish during the day. Over time, this problem can affect your short-term memory, interfere with your concentration, and even make it harder to manage your physical health.

A Custom Oral Guard Can Help You Sleep Soundly

With a custom oral guard, we can help you stay at rest by preventing interference with your airways. The guard is designed to position your jaw in a way that stops soft tissues from obstructing your breathing passages. When you no longer have to worry about these obstructions, you can stay asleep and enjoy proper rest again! For many people, a custom guard can prove effective enough to make the use of a CPAP machine unnecessary.

A Custom Guard Can Also Help With TMJ Issues And Bruxism

Custom oral appliance therapy can help with more than just sleep apnea. For those who struggle with TMJ disorder or bruxism, a guard can stop issues with pain, bite difficulties, and headaches. TMJ problems occur when your joints are not moving evenly when you open and close your jaw, or when mounting stress interferes with your joints and muscles. When you wear your guard at night, you can encourage better alignment and less stressful movement.

Talk To Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist’s Office About Sleep Apnea

By visiting with your Virginia Beach, VA dentist to discuss sleep apnea and its effect on you, it is possible to treat this problem without a CPAP machine! You can find that by relying on a custom oral appliance, you can enjoy the appropriate health benefits of a full night’s sleep, and put problems with fatigue and other sleep-related concerns behind you! To find out more, or to learn more about the other services that we provide, please contact Absolute Dental Care at (757) 428-7440.