Restore Your Smile Through Tooth Bonding

Your smile just has not felt the same lately. It may be because of gradual wear and tear changing the shape of your teeth, or it could be because of an injury that has changed the shape and appearance of a specific tooth. There are many issues that can affect the way someone looks over time. What many patients do not realize is that one conservative cosmetic dental procedure can give them back their confidence in the way they look! Our Virginia Beach, VA dental practice can use a tooth bonding and contouring procedure to address damage, change the shape of teeth, and even hide problems with discoloration!

What Makes You Self-Conscious About How You Look?

Cosmetic dental services help those who have always had issues with their appearance, but they can also be effective against recent troubles. For example, you may feel that your smile no longer looks youthful or symmetrical because of uneven wear and tear. Someone else may come in to discuss treatment because a tooth has become chipped, cracked, or broken in some other way. Through tooth bonding and contouring work, we can address these issues. In fact, we may even be able to fully restore your confidence in the way you look after completing your bonding treatment in just one appointment!

What Tooth Bonding And Contouring Work Involves

The tooth bonding and contouring process can reshape a tooth, address problems with its color, and even hide damage or spacing problems. Instead of covering a tooth with a permanent restoration, like a crown or veneer, we rely on reshaping through carefully removing excess enamel and the application of a resin substance. These services can often be completed in one appointment. Depending on the number of teeth you want to restore, we may be able to address all of your cosmetic woes after a single procedure.

What Else Can My Dentist Do For Me?

While veneers can take more time to affix, and require more changes to your tooth structure, they can offer more durability. This can be appealing because it can make preserving your changes easier. Another service we offer that can change your smile’s alignment and general appearance is corrective work with Invisalign aligners. Your dentist can provide you with a series of custom appliances that gradually fix gaps and overlaps to give you a more symmetrical and attractive look.

Talk To Absolute Dental Care About Tooth Bonding And Contouring

Our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office is happy to meet with patients and discuss a variety of different services. If you want to discuss the merits of a tooth bonding and contouring treatment for addressing your smile flaws, or if you wish to look into something else, we are here to help! For more information, reach out to Absolute Dental Care at (757) 428-7440.