Should I Tell My Dentist That I Snore?

Ordinarily, you might prefer to hide the information that you snore while you sleep. After all, this issue is a source of embarrassment to many, which is why those who do have this problem might downplay it. Unfortunately, this can have more serious consequences than you might anticipate. You could be snoring because of untreated sleep apnea, a problem that interferes with your ability to enjoy nightly rest. Our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office is able to help those who struggle with this condition. By providing you with a custom appliance to correct nightly breathing, we can help you stop snoring and also put a stop to sleep apnea issues!

Snoring Is A Potential Sign Of Sleep Apnea

Snoring occurs when soft tissues in your throat partially disrupt the flow of air when you breathe. If you suffer from sleep apnea, interference with your breathing passages can go on for long enough to force your body out of rest, which will lead to disruptions in your sleep cycle. You may not remember this interference in your rest, but sleep apnea can cause you to experience symptoms that are often linked to sleep deprivation. The longer this matter goes untreated, the more it can affect your health!

Using An Oral Guard To Keep You From Snoring

A custom oral guard that keeps your airways clear can help you stop snoring, and stop suffering from the physical effects of sleep apnea. Your dentist will carefully examine your teeth and oral structures so that the appliance you receive is tailored to you. This can ensure that it stays in place, and that it effectively stops nightly breathing disruptions from affecting your mood and health.

Oral Guards Can Also Help You Resolve Issues With Bruxism And TMJ Disorder

Oral appliances can help with more than just sleep apnea! With a custom guard, we can also protect a person’s smile against bruxism. Those who suffer from bruxism will unconsciously grind and clench their teeth at rest. As this occurs, their dental enamel can become worn down, and they face the real risk of dental damage that can require restorative treatment! An appliance can also help address persistent pain and sensitivity from TMJ disorder.

Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist Can Help You If Your Snoring Is Related To Sleep Apnea

Your Virginia Beach, VA dentist is prepared to help if snoring and sleep apnea affect your quality of life. With a custom guard, we can make sure your breathing remains undisturbed while you rest, so you no longer have to worry about interference that disrupts your sleep cycle. If you have questions about this treatment, or if you have any other oral health concerns that we can help you address, reach out to Absolute Dental Care at (757) 428-7440.