Straighten Your Teeth Without Metal Braces

Fixing problems with your smile can improve your confidence; when you correct problems with poorly aligned teeth, you can see cosmetic benefits as well as positive changes for your oral health! Our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office can provide you with alternatives to orthodontic work with metal braces. By doing this, we can make meaningful changes to your appearance easier to attain. With clear aligners, you have less to worry about when it comes to your appearance, and you can have an easier time eating and cleaning your teeth. In addition to offering treatment with Invisalign aligners, we also provide CandidPro aligners as an option for our patients.

Can I Really Use Removable Aligners To Straighten My Smile?

By using removable aligners to fix problems with poorly spaced teeth, you can put issues with malocclusion behind you while enjoying a less invasive treatment experience. As an alternative to bracket-and-wire braces, clear aligners can be worn with more comfort, as you will not have to worry about how they affect the way you look. You can also appreciate that these appliances are easy for you to remove, which means you can more easily maintain your daily routine.

Planning Your Treatment With Invisalign Aligners

Through corrective work with Invisalign aligners, we can help you close smile gaps, straighten teeth that overlap, and generally make your appearance more uniform as you move teeth to their appropriate positions. You will receive a set of appliances, with each one taking you a step closer to a fully corrected appearance. Wearing each throughout the day for their recommended treatment time will be important, but remember that you can take them out whenever you eat or clean your teeth.

Learn More About CandidPro Clear Aligners

With CandidPro Clear Aligners, we can make the process of orthodontic work more convenient, as we can give you more control over your adjustment and reduce the number of appointments you need to arrange. This approach can put care within your grasp more easily by making it more accessible and cost-effective. For new and existing patients, we currently provide free consultations to discuss the benefits of this service.

Talk To Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist’s Office About Straightening Your Smile

If you have problems with the way your teeth are aligned, it can be difficult to feel truly comfortable with your appearance. You can also experience issues with your oral health because of malocclusion. With the right orthodontic appliance, you can enjoy an easier, more comfortable treatment experience, one that ends with you enjoying cosmetic benefits as well as changes to your bite function and ability to preserve your dental health. For more information, reach out to Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at (757) 428-7440.