Results Offered By Invisalign

Is there anything you can do about poor teeth spacing that will not require you to wear metal braces? Can clear aligners really provide the kind of improvements that you really want to see? At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we can help you learn about the positive impact that these aligners can have. They offer more than just a way to make your care discreet, as you can have an easier time relying on them thanks to your ability to remove them on your own. Invisalign treatment is just one of many options available to those who want to make changes to the way they look. With the right approach, you can see outstanding improvements that target your specific smile concerns.

What Can Invisalign Do To Improve Your Smile?

With Invisalign aligners, we can provide an approach to orthodontic work that can be surprisingly easy to fit into your daily life. They provide an effective means of correcting gaps and overlaps between teeth, and they can offer improvements that help improve your oral health as well as your appearance. They offer results by gradually moving teeth, with each appliance bringing you closer to your results. All of them are personalized to make sure you have the right results from your adjustment.

Beginning Your Adjustment

By performing a thorough evaluation of your bite formation and teeth, we can determine what shape and size your appliances should be, and we can determine what corrections need to take place to produce your improvements. Your set will be personalized to provide the right improvements. To stay on track with your treatment end date, you should stick with wearing them throughout each day, though you can freely remove them when you eat or clean your teeth.

More Options If You Are Interested In Cosmetic Treatment

There are several procedures that are capable of changing your smile for the better. With different options, you can see the results you want in a surprisingly short time. One option is to have porcelain veneers put in place, which can help with spacing as well as difficulties with dental damage, discoloration, and other issues. We can also look at the potential for positive results with dental bonding and contouring work. This approach will not require permanent restorations, and it has the potential to deliver results in as little as one appointment!

Talk To Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist About Invisalign

When you talk to your dentist about Invisalign treatment, you can learn about a discreet solution to poor teeth spacing that you can find easy to fit into your daily life. If you would like to find out more about this or any other cosmetic service that we offer, contact Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at 757-428-7440.