Start Discussing Invisalign Treatment

If you want to learn more about your orthodontic treatment options, you can certainly talk to your Virginia Beach, VA dentist about Invisalign! These clear aligners are effective at making the changes people want when they have poor teeth spacing, but they are able to do so discreetly. Because of this, it can be easier for people who have been hesitant to look into care to take on their troubles and still feel comfortable throughout the adjustment process. At the end of your time with your last aligner, you can show off a more symmetrical and attractive smile. You can also enjoy the oral health benefits that accompany this kind of corrective care!

Is Invisalign Something That You Should Look Into?

For many people who are affected by malocclusion, Invisalign treatment can be a smart option. One reason for this is that it can still produce the results you want with less interference in your daily life. You will not have to worry about how you look with your appliances in place thanks to their clear design. Because they are removable, you also have nothing to worry about when it comes to eating and routine oral hygiene efforts. Beyond just improving the way you look, people who have oral health issues because of poor spacing can discover that their treatment improves their bite function and their ability to brush and floss effectively.

Planning Your Procedure With Clear Aligners

Your corrective work will be planned around your individual needs. That means we will evaluate you to see what kind of adjustments you need, and to determine the shape and size of your aligners. Once we have all of the measurements that we need, we will use them to produce a set of appliances that are ready for you to wear on a daily basis.

How Else Can You Improve Your Smile?

Not everyone affected by poor spacing will need orthodontic treatment. In some cases, it can be effective to use porcelain veneers to hide minor gaps and overlaps. If we can approve you for this approach, we can shorten your treatment time so that you are able to reveal your improvements in as little as two appointments! Another approach we can discuss is dental bonding and contouring, which relies on more conservative care and can take less time to complete.

Talk To Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist About Invisalign Treatment

With Invisalign treatment, we can take on the problems that you have with your smile without asking you to rely on metal braces. In the course of your adjustment, you can appreciate how little trouble your appliances create, and you can still see the overall improvements you desire at the end of your care! If you are ready to find out more, please reach out to Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at 757-428-7440.