When you have trouble sleeping and feel exhausted during the day, you could be suffering from a disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea. Without treatment, this could lead to poor health and a lower quality of life. In today’s blog, your Virginia Beach, VA, dentist talks about sleep apnea treatment.
The Warning Signs of Sleep Apnea
With sleep apnea, as you rest at night the soft tissues in your throat and the back of your mouth become too relaxed and then collapse. The collapse cuts off airflow, so you stop breathing briefly for several seconds until the brain registers the drop in oxygen and wakes you. Most people don’t remember these episodes, even though they interrupt the sleep cycle hundreds of times each night. As a result, you’re likely to feel exhausted during the day, experiencing dry mouth in the morning, and suffer from frequent moodiness and headaches. You could also find yourself waking in the night gasping for air or choking. When you experience these potential warning signs, please reach out to our team for a diagnosis right away!
The Causes and Long-Term Impacts
The factors behind the disorder could vary, but may include large neck circumferences, obesity, issues with the growth and development of the jaw and key oral structures, and excess alcohol before bed. Resting on our back is a factor too. Without treatment, the disorder will continue to interrupt your sleep and this stress could weaken your immune system and leave you more vulnerable to illness. The strain on your cardiovascular health also means trouble, leading to an increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and even stroke and heart attack. Our team can fortunately offer relief with oral appliance therapy!
Oral Appliance Therapy
The oral appliance is a treatment option that we can offer in place of the CPAP machine. The appliance is crafted based on the detailed digital images we take of your smile from multiple angles. We then custom-fit an appliance that you wear like a mouthguard as you rest at night. Once in place, the device repositions the jaw and tongue to keep airways open and free of obstruction, so you rest with ease. The device is also easy to use, clean, and store.
If you have any questions about how we diagnose and treat concerns like sleep apnea, then reach out to our team today. Everyone needs a good night’s rest, so they feel alert the next day!
Schedule A Visit Today to Treat OSA
Our team wants to help you sleep well with a custom and comfortable oral appliance. Call Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at (757) 428-7440 to schedule an appointment and discuss our approach to improving your sleep!