What Your Bad Breath Is Saying

If you worry that your bad breath is “saying something” to others or that it’s a way for your body to communicate with you, then you should absolutely pay attention to this instinct. It’s true! The bad news is that something definitely isn’t “on track” for your smile. The great news? It’s fixable. Learn more from our Virginia Beach, VA team about what’s going on (and what to do).


The Virginia Flower & Garden Expo: A Symphony Of Gardens

When you talk about what “heaven on earth” is for you, does it often include beautiful gardens? Are you someone who is quite serious about your outdoor space when it comes to maintaining your garden, plants, landscape, etc.? If you can answer yes to these or similar questions, then you will most likely be exhilarated at the prospect of attending the upcoming Virginia Flower & Garden Expo: A Symphony Of Gardens!


Fillings: 3 Things To Tell Yourself (Based On Personality)

There are lots and lots of personality types out there! Just hop online to seek out a test to find out what your unique set of characteristics mean about your personality type and you will find that there is an endless supply of information and pretty detailed analyses. As a result, if our Virginia Beach, VA practice simply says to each patient who has decay, “Come in for your dental filling, it’s very important!” this may not necessarily resonate. Instead, we know that you also need some measure of self-talk to help you feel confident about making this decision. So, with a light-hearted yet beneficial approach to assisting you, we offer a few personality types and motivation that just might work for you!


Bruxism: The Good, The Bad, The Wonderful!

So, you find out that you have bruxism disorder when you visit our Virginia Beach, VA team and you’re a little worried. Or, you read about bruxism or hear about it from a friend and you’re thinking to yourself, hmm, this may explain what’s been going on with my teeth lately! Whatever the particular circumstance, we would like to help you gain a quick and more thorough perspective regarding what to make of chronic grinding and clenching. While it’s not a good thing for your oral health, there is certainly hope and improvement just around the corner! Learn more about the good, the bad, and even the wonderful.


3 Goals You’re Achieving With Dental Cleanings

If you’re someone who has received dental care for some time, then you know that one of those things you are supposed to do is to schedule a dental cleaning two times every year. While you may have some idea that this is “good” and that you’re “supposed to” you might not necessarily know what you’re achieving as you sit in our chair for this part of your preventive visit. The wonderful news that our Virginia Beach, VA team is happy to share with you is that you’re actually accomplishing a whole host of goals by seeing us for cleanings! Learn more!


Common Between-The-Teeth Questions Answered

If you think that you may be one of the first pioneers to head into the territory of “why on earth do I have to clean between my teeth?” and related questions, our Virginia Beach, VA team is here to report: You are actually not the first! Nor will you be the last. Remember that just about everyone out there is experiencing similar frustrations, questions, and moments with dental hygiene. One second you may feel entirely happy to floss. The next, you may wonder why you really need to. It’s only natural! Fortunately, it’s only natural for us to step in, too, to help you better understand what’s going on with all of that cleaning-between-your teeth business.


Ways You Feel Your Smile Is Being Judged

You may feel less worried about your own feelings about your smile (after all, a little yellowing isn’t hurting your smile in any way) and more worried about the way others are viewing you. Are you being judged, you wonder, due to the appearance of your smile or other related issues? Is there something you could potentially do in order to seek dental care that could truly improve your confidence about this facial feature? Of course, there are many ways our Virginia Beach, VA team can help you. It’s simply a matter of letting us know where your concerns lie, so we may help you make it all better!


Did You Get a Cavity? We Can Fill It Discreetly

With more than 90% of adults experiencing a cavity at least once in their lives, tooth fillings (the most common treatment for cavities) are a highly popular restorative treatment. Fortunately, filling your cavity doesn’t have to leave a noticeable, metallic mark as it used to. At our Virginia Beach, VA, dental office, we utilize tooth-colored composite resin instead of metal to create more discreet ways to fill a cavity. (more…)

3 Things You Have to Know About Teeth-Whitening

Teeth-whitening is one of the more popular cosmetic dental treatments for several reasons. It’s highly convenient, so patients can enjoy the benefits of the treatment without having to drastically rearrange their schedules. It’s also highly effective, so it can address most common teeth stains. At our Virginia Beach, VA, dental office, we’ll first ensure that teeth-whitening is the best option for your smile, and then custom-design the most appropriate treatment for you. (more…)