Brush Your Teeth … Or Else!

You know that it’s extremely important for you to brush your teeth, of course. However, you may not always think about the potential consequences that can come about if you don’t or if you’re very lax about this part of dental hygiene. While we certainly prefer for you to focus on the positive and to become nice and loyal to your preventive care, we know that sometimes when you can see far into the future (which may either include a healthy grin or an unhealthy grin), it’s the not-so-savory detail or two that offers the most motivation. Take our Virginia Beach, VA team’s offering of very possible predictions as all the example you need!


Caring For Your Smile: How To Know If You Need…

When you’re caring for your smile, you’re going about your every day, while keeping your oral health in mind. You consider it along the way, you make smart choices to keep it safe, you brush, you floss, and you feel compelled to incorporate dental care into your life. While you may have the basics down as far as your dental hygiene goes, would you say you’re also feeling equally confident regarding securing professional care when you require it? If you feel you’re happy to follow through with what you need to do for your smile (only you’re not so sure what that is), allow our Virginia Beach, VA practice to fill you in on some essential details.


Flu Season: Helpful Reminders To Keep You Healthy!

We know it’s not the happiest news ever but our Virginia Beach, VA team would like to bring flu season to your attention! Yep. It’s fall, which means we’re going to start seeing influenza on the news, in our communities, etc. While it’s a highly contagious illness, it’s also something you can take certain steps to avoid! Ready for some helpful reminders from our oral health our team that just might let you avoid it this year? Here we go!


Assuming Your Smile Is Okay: The ABCs Of What You’re Not Getting

We know that what you want to do when you notice any type of change associated with your smile health is to just assume everything is okay. You may do so just by convincing yourself things will be fine. You may read and read information on the internet or call a friend, which ends with you announcing you’re just sure everything is okeydokey. An optimistic outlook is always a fantastic characteristic to have, of course! However, it’s never wise to simply assume your oral health doesn’t need professional dental care. If anything out of the ordinary occurs or it’s time for your twice-annual visit, our Virginia Beach, VA team reminds you: Come on in!


Smile Health Protection: Nope, That Shouldn’t Hurt!

There are those times when something hurts in your smile and you’re not surprised at all. When you accidentally harm your teeth or gums, bite into something that’s harder than you were expecting, etc., then it’s no shock when you experience a zing of pain. However, there are other times when you may not be so sure. Should you be experiencing discomfort, you wonder? If so, what should your reaction to it be? Give yourself just a moment to think about some things our Virginia Beach, VA team would like you to consider, so you know you’re doing your best to protect your oral health!


Chipped Teeth: Good, Bad, Or Neither?

Of course, it’s not good to end up with chipped teeth because it doesn’t benefit you in any way. However, if you’re feeling extremely traumatized from looking in the mirror and noticing a chip or you’re stressing because you can feel it, we know that you may feel like this is a “very bad” thing. However: It isn’t! Dealing with chips can become problematic in a variety of ways but it’s certainly nothing to worry about. It’s not anything that requires immediate care either (unless you’ve really damaged that tooth). Let our Virginia Beach, VA team do some explaining, so you can feel better about things.


3 Reasons To Call Us And Schedule Your Cleaning Right Now

As you know, when it’s time for your dental cleaning and checkup, scheduling your appointment with our Virginia Beach, VA team is so easy! All you have to do is call our practice, let us know when you’d like to come in, and we will work with you to make that a reality! However, if you’re not always so good at motivating yourself to pick up the phone, you might need some help. We’ve got a few reasons to go ahead and get going right now!


Smile Care: Why It’s Important To Just Come Out With Those Questions!

Think about all of the times that you find you have smile care questions. When you’re brushing your teeth. When we’re explaining something to you. When you hear something from a friend about oral health that really doesn’t sound right but you’re not sure. Now, think about all of the places you can go when you want good, solid information: If you just realized that the one and only place you can rely on is our dental practice, then congratulations! You’re already quite well-informed regarding protecting your smile health. Now, the only thing left to do is actually ask our Virginia Beach, VA team your questions. Learn more about why it’s worth doing.


Extractions: Why You Absolutely, 100 Percent Don’t Need To Worry

When the answer to your oral health woes is that you need a dental extraction, you might find that instead of feeling relieved and ready to get going with care, you instead feel more upset, more worried, and very full of questions. We understand. This is a very common reaction! However, while you’re completely justified in your emotions, our Virginia Beach, VA team wants you to remember that there is truly, absolutely nothing to worry about. There is, however, everything to feel good about! Let us explain the details!
