Teeth-Whitening Options, And Why

If you are troubled by a dull smile, teeth-whitening is a broad term for several procedures that could restore the sparkle to your smile. Even with the best brushing and flossing habits, there are popular and delicious foods that can gradually discolor teeth. This includes healthful foods (like blueberries and cherries) as well as dark sodas and brightly colored sports drinks (which should be more of an occasional treat). There are a variety of whitening options available from your Virginia Beach, VA dentist, and reasons to consider each process. (more…)

Nervous About A Dental Visit? We Respond.

Are you that person who puts off a dental visit in Virginia Beach, VA, due to nerves? You probably already know the beneficial effects of regular checkups and cleanings. And you know that catching a cavity when it first shows up on an X-ray is better than letting it progress until the tooth gives a zing every time you chew. Maybe you aren’t so happy with your smile anymore, but you are reluctant to bring it up. We have suggestions to calm your anxious moments. (more…)

Is It Time to Say Yes to Porcelain Veneers?

Some decisions are made in a snap: what should I have for breakfast, or is this a good night to binge watch my favorite show? It’s smart to take more time when deciding about changes to your smile. Have you been lurking on sites, reading about porcelain veneers, and how they can improve a smile? While they aren’t the right option for everyone, there are many improved smiles in Virginia Beach, VA, thanks to the beauty and functionality of porcelain veneers. Is the timing is right for you? (more…)

What’s Behind Sensitive Teeth?

Has this happened to you? You take a sip of cold water, or a bite of delicious ice cream, and your teeth tingled in a not-so-comfortable way. Most of the time, when your body has a reaction, it is trying to tell you something. Sensitive teeth may mean that tooth enamel has thinned over time, allowing heat and cold to transmit more easily to the inner parts of your tooth. Sensitivity may also mean “Something needs attention.” If tooth sensitivity is more than an occasional annoyance, your dentist’s expertise can help diagnose the issue. (more…)

3 Cool Things About Extractions

Right. You probably never thought you’d be thinking of dental extractions as “cool” treatments for your smile. However, today is a day that’s as good as any to begin taking a very optimistic approach to understanding why removing teeth that need removal is often so beneficial for you. Of course, when you have such an outlook, it makes it so easy to proceed with extractions when they become necessary for you.


Honey Festival 2018

What’s better than a chance to purchase local honey that’s delicious and a remedy for oh so many things? How about attending a Honey Festival that includes local honey and a whole lot more fun? Sound interesting? Don’t miss this one!



Your Gag Reflex: A Few Helpful Suggestions

Some people have a stronger gag reflex than others, which can present some serious problems within dental care! Trust us, you are not the first patient (nor will you be the last) to struggle with this concern. The good thing is that we can help you handle it. The bad thing is, you may find that you’re tempted to keep it a secret because you find it embarrassing. Allow us to guide you with some very easy and helpful suggestions that may show you there’s certainly hope to be had!


Your Smile: What Stresses You Out The Most?

It’s one thing to feel stressed about your oral health. It’s quite another to be able to pinpoint the problem and examine exactly what’s making you feel this way. Fortunately, if you are able to self-reflect to this degree, you will be able to sort out the problem and address each area of concern, so you may begin feeling positive about your smile! If you’re not quite sure how to do this, we can very easily get you started with some common areas that lead to significant smile stress.


If You Remember One Thing This Summer…

There are a lot of suggestions we can come up with and that we will probably mention to you regarding summer smile health. While we’d love for you to adhere to every last one of them, we also know the power of making one major suggestion: Since it’s just one and it’s important, chances are good you’ll have an easy time remembering it and even following through. So, for this summer and all that follow, remember: Drink lots of water!
