Brush, Floss, Repeat: How Much Time Does It All Take?

You may wonder how long it’s going to take you to care for your smile. Will you be able to stop the consistent dental hygiene at some point? Are your teeth going to fall out when you’re older no matter what? When it comes to questions revolving around oral health and time, we receive a diverse array of inquiries. To help you feel more secure regarding what it really takes to care for your teeth and gums, whether it’s worth it in the long run, and how much time you’re going to need to invest, we’re happy to break down the details.


Saliva: FAQs

Do you have questions about saliva but you feel like it’s something you should know? Maybe you think that this topic isn’t very important and that you should be focused on other oral health related topics, so you shy away from bringing up your thoughts during visits with us. We want to reassure you that all questions are valid and that discovering what maintains your moist, healthy mouth is certainly worth learning about. We’re getting you started off on the right foot with a Q&A session that should help.


I’m Pregnant! Now What?

When you’re pregnant, figuring out what to do regarding your dental care can become a surprisingly confusing issue. One moment, you’re just steadily going along brushing, flossing, scheduling visits, and doing your usual thing. The next moment, you don’t know if you’re supposed to come see us, if you should wait until after the baby is born, and just the smell of your toothpaste suddenly makes you nauseous. No worries. We can help!


Dental Crowns: What Do They Do?

You learn that you are going to need a dental crown (or multiple crowns) to restore your smile but you’re not sure what that means. To simplify the details, this means that an artificial, custom-designed, hollow tooth (a crown) is going to become part of your smile to make it healthy, safe, structurally sound, and possibly even better looking. Now that you understand the basics, let’s move forward a bit by examining the different ways crowns work (and how they might be making your smile all the better).


Ignore Your Filling, Say Hello To Complications

Do you think that if you just ignore the need for a dental filling, you will be able to continue on in life without any additional worries? If so, we must inform you that this is not at all the case. Instead, by choosing to pretend like your cavity isn’t there (or simply isn’t a problem), you are setting yourself up for the development of additional complications. As you might imagine, these issues will require even more care. Let’s examine why it’s worth scheduling your filling ASAP when you need one.


2 Reasons To Drink More Water

You always hear that you should drink more water. Unless you’re someone who is already well into a routine during which you consume 64 ounces of water on a daily basis, then this advice certainly holds weight. It’s time to increase your water consumption! In certain instances, it’s important that you simply get more of it. In other instances, it’s important that you’re drinking it throughout the day for the sake of your oral health. Let’s review the details with some important and simple-to-understand reasons to make room for more H20!


Don’t Bother With OTC Whitening

It’s completely natural to begin assuming you should try to whiten your teeth on your own before you branch out for professional care. However, it’s absolutely not in your best interest to follow this line of thinking. Why not? Well, OTC teeth whitening sounds alluring but it actually comes with more drawbacks than benefits. For clearer comprehension regarding why it’s best to brighten your smile with us, consider a few important details you should know about.
