Invisalign And Oral Health Improvements

If you are already thinking about orthodontic work with Invisalign, you can be excited to see how your procedure ultimately improves your smile. After all, corrective work to fix gaps and overlaps can permanently fix specific flaws in your appearance, and it can also lead to you exhibiting a more symmetrical look overall. Your Virginia Beach, VA dentist is happy to talk with you about treatment with these appliances. What you can learn as you start care is that orthodontic adjustments can produce oral health benefits as well as cosmetic ones. At the end of your adjustment, you can enjoy better bite support and also have an easier time maintaining your oral hygiene routine! (more…)

How Bonding Work Hides Flaws

Until you can effectively restore your smile by hiding those flaws that affect your smile, you can lack confidence. This can have several negative effects. In addition to creating potential social hurdles, your discomfort with the way you project confidence in professional environments. The right cosmetic dental procedure can have a significant effect on the way you look and in your comfort in different situations. What might surprise you is how little time and effort that “right” procedure might involve. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office is ready to help you by providing a dental bonding procedure. Only one appointment can take care of your goals for improvement, which means you have less time to wait than you realize before you can show off your more attractive appearance! (more…)

The Oceanfront Concert Series Starts Soon!

A night on the beach can be lovely, especially when you have the right music to enjoy while you are out on the surf. Virginia Beach, VA residents can enjoy a series of live performances soon, as the Oceanfront Concert Series is set to start on the evening of Wednesday, June 8! A weekly series of performances with talented artists on hand to provide FREE shows for the community. The event is set to host a new show every Wednesday into the month of August.

A night out to enjoy live music can be a special treat; your smile care routine is something you should take part in every day. Good oral hygiene protects you against the buildup of plaque and tartar so that you do not experience issues with your oral health. Remember to also protect yourself with your semiannual dental exams. During visits to our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we can offer reliable support to both prevent problems and recognize when something is wrong and needs to be treated. (more…)

Results Offered By Invisalign

Is there anything you can do about poor teeth spacing that will not require you to wear metal braces? Can clear aligners really provide the kind of improvements that you really want to see? At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we can help you learn about the positive impact that these aligners can have. They offer more than just a way to make your care discreet, as you can have an easier time relying on them thanks to your ability to remove them on your own. Invisalign treatment is just one of many options available to those who want to make changes to the way they look. With the right approach, you can see outstanding improvements that target your specific smile concerns. (more…)

Lasting Treatment For Tooth Decay

The formation of a cavity means the formation of irreversible dental damage. The permanent loss of healthy enamel needs to be addressed as part of your restorative treatment; if proper care is not taken, your tooth would remain in vulnerable condition even after decayed tissues are removed. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we can provide lasting treatments for tooth decay that prioritize your dental health as well as your appearance. This is because we have the ability to provide both dental fillings and dental crowns that imitate enamel. They can also provide functional bite support, so your ability to maintain your standard dental function is not compromised. (more…)

Invisalign And Your Alignment Issues

It can be hard to feel comfortable with your smile when you have teeth that are not properly spaced. Without the right alignment, certain teeth can stand out or appear recessed, you can have awkward gaps, and your appearance can generally suffer. You can find that the right solution is easier to fit into your daily life than you anticipate when you look into an adjustment. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we have helped many patients take on malocclusion with Invisalign clear aligners! If you want to know what these aligners can do for you, we can provide an assessment to confirm you are a good candidate, and from there we can make plans to help you make meaningful cosmetic improvements. (more…)

Moving Forward With Teeth Whitening

While there are several problems that can affect how a person feels about their smile, one concern shared by many is the cosmetic impact of enamel stains. To address this problem, you may feel that you simply need to drop by your local grocery store or pharmacy and finally pick up a teeth whitening treatment. Unfortunately, if you pursue this as your treatment, you can experience disappointment over your lack of meaningful results. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we can recommend that you have your teeth whitened through a professional service. We can actually provide more than one approach, as we offer both services in our office and take-home kits that patients can use to see professional quality changes. (more…)

Create Art At Watercolor In The Woods

Through art, we can capture many things, including the natural beauty found within Virginia Beach. On Saturday, June 4, people in and around our community can take part in the Watercolor In The Woods event, which will give participants a chance to capture the views of Sandy Bottom Nature Park! The guided class can help you tap into your creative potential as you depict lovely scenery through watercolors. Supplies for painting are included, but participants are asked to bring their own lunches.

It may not count as art, but a beautiful smile can certainly command attention and admiration from those who see it! At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we can provide different services to people that emphasize both the preservation of healthy and attractive teeth and work to improve the appearances of those who feel less confident in the appearance of their smiles. We provide restorative, cosmetic, and preventive dental services to people in and around the area, and we are ready to help you enjoy lasting support for your oral health and appearance. (more…)

Features Of Invisalign Treatment

There are different advantages to undergoing orthodontic treatment. While many people are excited by this service’s ability to improve how they look, it can also have benefits for your oral health that reduce your risk for future problems. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we can actually offer a discreet option for straightening uneven teeth, as we can recommend that you rely on Invisalign aligners for your adjustment. This makes the process of fixing an uneven smile discreet as well as easy to adjust to, as your appliances are easily removed! (more…)

Dental Care And Your Appearance

Do you find the idea of restorative dental work intimidating? While your goal should be to avoid this kind of treatment by keeping up with good oral hygiene habits, you can feel less afraid when you need to schedule care when you can count on reliable and conservative support. Your Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office is here to help by providing restorative services that avoid making visible changes to your smile. Whether you require a dental filling or dental crown, we can see to it that your appearance is preserved! Remember that we are also here to provide the kind of regular support that keeps you safe from future threats to your well-being. (more…)