A Smile Makeover Can Include Restorative And Cosmetic Work

As you start to discuss a smile makeover with your dentist, you can discover that the process of improving your appearance can differ from your expectations in many ways. One thing that might surprise you is that your plans can actually consist of both restorative and cosmetic services. If you have teeth that are in poor health because of damage, general wear and tear, or other problems, they can require treatment with dental crowns rather than cosmetic restorations. Restorative dental treatment will also be part of the process for patients who want to address tooth loss as part of their makeover. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, patients who are ready to pursue a smile makeover can find that we are ready to find the most beneficial path to delivering significant improvements! (more…)

What A Custom Dental Crown Does To Protect A Broken Tooth

Your tooth is not going to be able to repair itself after breaking. In fact, going without treatment can lead to its condition worsening, as it can become infected or suffer more physical damage. Fortunately, the right dental restoration can both protect your tooth structure and restore your smile. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, a patient with a broken tooth can look forward to support with a custom dental crown. The crown will be custom-made to fit over your tooth comfortably and securely, and it will be durable enough to absorb the pressure created whenever you bite and chew. If the tooth is in an area that is hard to hide, we can recommend using a lifelike material that imitates the look of healthy enamel. (more…)

We Can Address Bruxism As Part Of Your TMJ Treatment

Without treatment, TMJ disorder can leave you struggling with aches, pains, and movement limitations that negatively impact your quality of life. Our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office is ready to help you understand why you have developed this problem with your jaw movement and alignment. As we examine you and look for the roots of your issues with poor jaw health or function, we can encounter other oral health issues connected to your discomfort. Many people who struggle with TMJ disorder also have issues with bruxism, or habitual teeth grinding, that will need to be resolved. We can address these to help move forward with your treatment. We can also discuss services to resolve problems like dental damage and malocclusion, as these can also interfere with your bite function and quality of life. (more…)

Can Clear Braces Help You Show Off A More Attractive Smile?

There are several reasons why someone with crooked teeth should look into having them straightened. By fixing any gaps or overlaps between your teeth, you can improve your bite function, make preventive dental care easier, and improve your smile. While the oral health benefits of orthodontic work are certainly important, many people understandably want to know more about the cosmetic benefits of a procedure. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, individuals who want to make positive changes to their appearance can meet with us to discuss the benefits of Invisalign treatment. With clear braces, we can give you a more symmetrical smile, one no longer inhibited by embarrassing gaps or overlaps that exist between teeth. (more…)

How Cosmetic Dentistry Addresses Dental Wear And Tear

Sometimes, dental flaws arise suddenly, the result of an injury that leaves a tooth visibly chipped or cracked. In other situations, they can be the result of naturally occurring issues with the shape or size of certain teeth. One thing you can experience as you age is a problem with dental wear and tear. The gradual erosion of your enamel can affect the color of your smile, and it can make teeth look misshapen, flat, or generally give you an older appearance. Through the right approach to cosmetic dental treatment, your Virginia Beach, VA dentist can give you renewed confidence in your smile if wear and tear has started to worry you. Just one treatment can give your teeth a restored look by making them appear brighter, healthier, and more uniform. (more…)

3 Things To Look Forward To When You Treat Sleep Apnea

If you are not doing anything to address your issues with sleep apnea, you can struggle with more than just frequent snoring. This is a condition that interferes with your ability to complete your rest cycles while sleeping. The frequent interruptions in your breathing will force your body out of rest, robbing you of the health benefits of staying asleep. As a result, you can experience daily problems with fatigue, trouble with your focus and short term memory, and even physical issues like higher blood pressure! At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we can provide support in the form of oral appliance therapy. By using an appliance to keep your airways open, you can start sleeping soundly again! (more…)

Why Choose Tooth Bonding For Your Cosmetic Dental Work?

Because there are several cosmetic dental procedures offered by your Virginia Beach, VA dentist, you may have a hard time knowing which treatment approach works for you. If you are concerned about problems with misshapen teeth, visible damage, or embarrassing discoloration, you should learn more about the benefits of tooth bonding and contouring work. With this approach, it is possible to make positive changes to your appearance while limiting the actual changes to your tooth structure. Because no restorations have to be designed and placed with this approach, you may be ready to show off your improved smile after just one appointment!

Yes, You Can Visit Our Dentist’s Office On A Saturday!

Keeping up with your oral health needs can be challenging when you struggle to find time in your schedule for your regular dental checkups. Even patients who recognize that these visits are valuable can end up putting them off simply because they have a hard time finding dates that fit their needs. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, patients who have struggled with availability can actually come in to our office for a Saturday dental appointment! By making our oral health services available on the weekend, we create more opportunities for people to come in and receive preventive care. This helps you avoid future problems, and it also ensures that any problems you have recently experienced will be caught and treated! (more…)

Find A Virginia Beach Dentist Who Can Improve Your Smile

If you are tired of feeling dissatisfied by your smile, you can find that cosmetic dentistry makes changes easier to access than you expect. What many people learn is that all of their desired changes can be made in less time, and with fewer changes, than you anticipate when you select the right procedure. Our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office is ready to help you understand what cosmetic dentistry can do for you. After examining your smile and talking with you about how you hope to change your appearance, we can help you figure out what approach might be right for you in order to deliver lasting smile improvements! (more…)

Can Restorative Dentistry Bring An End To Your Tooth Pain?

Once a toothache starts to bother you, it can become hard to enjoy meals, and it may become difficult to focus on much beyond your discomfort. This kind of discomfort should be taken seriously. If it is ignored, the cause of your discomfort will continue to affect you, and may even lead to complications that affect the kind of restorative dental treatment you require. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we are prepared to respond to problems with tooth pain. After we assess the condition of the tooth and determine what is wrong, we can discuss what your treatment should involve. In addition to dealing with problems like infection or damage and stopping your pain, we can provide a lifelike dental restoration that keeps the tooth safe without changing its appearance. (more…)