How Teeth Cleanings Help You Prevent Gingivitis

Gingivitis is not a problem that should be taken lightly. If the issue is not resolved in time, an infection can become difficult to manage, which can lead to potential complications like tooth loss! At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, your gums will be evaluated in the course of your routine dental checkup. Signs of gingivitis can be addressed through a periodontal cleaning, which removes the bacteria present beneath your gums causing your infection. You should know that in addition to helping with active gingivitis issues, your routine visits help you maintain healthy, problem-free gums! In the course of a routine cleaning, tartar and plaque are removed before bacteria have the opportunity to create an infection. (more…)

Is Dental Sensitivity Affecting Your Meal Choices?

While it is common for people to prefer certain meals and snacks for their taste, or for their health benefits, avoiding certain products due to dental sensitivity can be a concern. Sensitivity can be traced to different problems. For some people, it becomes an issue because of an advanced cavity, while others can experience general discomfort thanks to enamel erosion or a change in their gum line. When any dental issue affects your quality of life, you should bring it up with your dentist. During an evaluation at our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, you can find out why you have struggled with sensitive teeth, and learn what can be done to put the problem behind you! (more…)

How Worried Should You Be About Enamel Erosion?

Is enamel erosion a growing concern for you? If so, what can you do to protect your smile and oral health? Some degree of wear and tear on your teeth can be inevitable – after all, they do experience consistent pressure from biting and chewing food. That can be of little comfort to those who are starting to see changes in the color of their teeth, or those who believe their teeth are losing their shape. Our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office is prepared to help patients protect their teeth over the years. Through consistent care, you can maintain strong and healthy enamel that can resist the effects of wear and tear. We can also help you avoid problems by identifying signs of teeth grinding, which can lead to trouble over time when not addressed. (more…)

Relying On A Dental Crown To Restore A Misshapen Tooth

The shape of your teeth can affect your bite function as well as your appearance. If you have one tooth that appears to be out of place because of its shape, or due to its poor size, it can become a frequent source of concern for you. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, patients who worry about misshapen teeth can come to us to discuss the benefits of restorative dental work. The right custom appliance can make the tooth a better cosmetic fit for your smile, and it can improve your ability to bite, chew, and speak! We can talk with you about restoring damaged or naturally misshapen teeth with dental crowns. If you worry about the impact a crown will have on the way you look, you should know that lifelike materials can closely match the appearance of healthy enamel. (more…)

Is A Toothache Starting To Affect Your Quality Of Life?

If you are no longer able to bite and chew without going out of your way to limit pressure on a certain tooth, you should be concerned about your oral health. A tooth that has become too sensitive to support bite pressure, or one that frequently feels sore or sensitive, could be in trouble thanks to an infection. If this is the case, the problem will grow worse over time, leading to more discomfort and even the potential loss of that tooth! Our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office is prepared to help those affected by a persistent or severe toothache. After performing an evaluation, we can determine what restorative dental procedure will help you. (more…)

Oral Health Problems Can Make Bad Breath Hard To Address

What will it take to correct issues with bad breath? If the problem is just related to your last meal, a mint may be enough, but chronic problems with halitosis can be more difficult to resolve. You may be experiencing bad breath as a symptom of an oral health problem. Gingivitis can lead to this problem, and so can an issue with an untreated cavity. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we can keep you informed about your oral health thanks to our routine preventive services. If the problem is linked to poor oral hygiene, a professional teeth cleaning can be a good start to improving your breath. For those affected by decay or gum disease, we can discuss the appropriate approach to treatment. (more…)

Is Your Natural Resistance To Cavities Starting To Change?

If your oral hygiene routine continues to protect you from cavities, it may be hard to imagine that tooth decay is a threat to you. While it is good to have a routine that keeps your confidence up, be aware that a person’s natural resistance to cavities can change without them realizing it. Efforts that have been effective for some time may fail to protect you from decay in the future. This may be because of a change in your diet, or even a problem with your physical health. Staying consistent with routine dental evaluations can keep you informed about the state of your smile. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we can provide exams and professional teeth cleanings that help you sustain a healthy, lovely smile! (more…)

Bothered By Tartar Buildup? Schedule A Teeth Cleaning!

Even if you have a thorough oral hygiene routine, you should worry about the threat of tartar buildup. When tartar deposits form, they will remain where they are until your next professional teeth cleaning. In the time between their formation and removal, they put you at risk for potential issues with dental decay and gingivitis. Our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office provides consistent cleanings as part of the preventive care we provide during oral health evaluations. Routine visits help you stay informed about the condition of your teeth, and they assist you in keeping your smile healthy. In addition to removing tartar and plaque buildup during your cleaning, we can look out for threats like tooth decay and respond to them with the appropriate restorative dental treatment. (more…)

Making Smart Improvements To Your Oral Hygiene Routine

If your current oral care routine is not stopping problems with tartar buildup, gum disease, or tooth decay, it is hard to argue that an improvement is in order. Until you do something about improving your routine, you can stay vulnerable to oral health issues that impact your appearance. You can also negatively affect your physical health in ways that surprise you, as poor oral and periodontal health and can lead to more problems with your general well-being. This does not just mean working on your approach to brushing and flossing (though changes can be called for). You may also find that better diet choices and other adjustments are beneficial. Our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office can speak with you about your current routine, and possible improvements, during an oral health evaluation. (more…)

How Can You Manage A Problem With TMJ Disorder?

chronic jaw painLeaving issues with TMJ disorder untreated can mean putting up with jaw pain and sensitivity, recurring headaches, and difficulties with biting and chewing. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we have the technology to carefully study a person’s jaw movement and bite so that the reasons behind discomfort can be identified and addressed. Treatment can lead to more than just relief from pain. Through this care, it is also possible to remedy an issue that causes you to grind your teeth, which can lead to more jaw stress as well as visible dental damage. (more…)