What Can I Do To Move Past My Problems With Jaw Pain?

man considering the questionWhile you can be eager to move past whatever problem is responsible for your jaw pain, you may not be sure exactly what the matter is, and what should be done to resolve it. People who struggle with stiff or painful jaw movement tend to be affected by TMJ disorder, but the causes of this dysfunction can vary. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we are experienced in treating patients who exhibit signs of TMJ disorder, and we can determine why this problem is affecting you. Once the matter has been addressed, you can once again laugh, speak, bite, and chew without persistent stiffness and pain! (more…)

Can Better Daily Habits Help Me Avoid Teeth Stains?

man shruggingIn order to remain confident in your smile, your focus should be on preserving the quality and health of your teeth. With good habits in place, you can successfully prevent tooth decay and gum disease from impacting your well-being. In order to remain confident in your appearance, you should also think about how you can protect your smile against teeth stains. Stains can be difficult to prevent, as even teeth that stay cavity-free can see some discoloration. With that said, you can make adjustments to your habits in order to lower your exposure to items that cause stains while also sticking to a good oral care regimen to stay protected against them. In addition to having helped patients fight teeth stains through whitening treatments, our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office can help you prevent further troubles with your smile through consistent preventive dental care. (more…)

3 Reasons Your Oral Care Routine Should Include Flossing

young woman showing 3 fingersWhen you tally up the different behaviors you practice to protect your smile against tooth decay and gum disease, you should include a consistent habit of flossing. By performing this task regularly, you protect areas of your smile that are difficult to clean by brushing alone. Without flossing, tartar deposits can form between teeth, and oral bacteria can cause issues with tooth decay as well as gum disease. Your Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office can talk with you about your oral care routine during your next routine dental exam. By brushing, flossing, and keeping to a smart, smile-friendly diet, you can enjoy lasting protection against problems with your oral health!

These Tips Can Help You Enjoy Better Results From Brushing

image of toothbrushes in a glassIf you are going to take the time to brush and floss every day, you should be committed to ensuring these habits are as effective as they can be. After all, poor oral hygiene makes you vulnerable to issues with bad breath and tartar buildup, as well as problems that can make restorative dental work necessary. Effective brushing calls for a commitment to thoroughness. You should focus more on reaching every part of your smile than brushing aggressively – in fact, you should be careful to limit the force of your brushing in order to avoid enamel erosion. If you have questions about your current routine, and what you can do to improve it, you can bring questions to your Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office at your next routine dental evaluation. (more…)

Bring Concerns About A Toothache To Your Dentist

visual example of someone whose tooth hurtsWhy continue to live with a toothache when you can have your dentist identify and address the problem? Life with dental pain can be frustrating, and the discomfort can reach a point where you feel you need treatment in order to focus on your regular life. Our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office has experience caring for patients who are affected by problems with pain or sensitivity. The sooner you reach out and arrange an appointment, the sooner you can have the problem with your smile evaluated. You should know that pain is often linked to dental infections, which can lead to tooth loss if not treated in time! (more…)

Receiving A Dental Crown From Your Virginia Beach Dentist

example of a man confident in his restored smileThrough successful preventive dental care, you can avoid problems with tooth decay that can make the placement of a dental restoration necessary. With that said, people who do great work caring for their teeth can wind up needing a dental crown for dental injuries, which can occur suddenly and cause significant damage to a tooth. In other words, even if you are confident about your smile health, you can benefit from knowing what your options are when it comes to restorative dental work. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we are prepared to care for our patients by offering dental crowns made from lifelike material. The restorations used can provide functional protection while also helping patients remain confident in the way that they look. (more…)

How Professional Teeth Cleanings Differ From Daily Care

black young man happy to show off his healthy smileHopefully, you have confidence in your current daily oral care regimen. You should feel assured that the routine you have in place is protecting you against the threat of tooth decay while also helping you avoid issues with gingivitis. While you can do good work caring for your teeth on a regular basis, you should know that there is a difference between your self-care, and the care provided during a professional teeth cleaning. At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, patients can look forward to a cleaning that helps them by removing tartar as well as plaque buildup. If necessary, we can take the extra step of performing a targeted periodontal cleaning, which deals with bacteria that are causing gingivitis. (more…)

How Stress And Poor Health Potentially Affect Your Smile

stress causing a headacheWhile your oral care regimen should remain consistent from day to day, it can be fair to assume that some days will make oral hygiene tasks feel easier to accomplish than others. On days when you feel sleep deprived or under the weather, you may be less inclined to make sure you thoroughly brush and floss. This can be a common issue, but it is one that can hurt your oral health over time. Recognizing how your emotional and physical health might affect your commitment to your smile can help you make sure your habits remain unchanged even at times when you feel unwell. Your Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office can provide guidance on how and why you should keep up with your routine during regular dental checkups. (more…)

A Chipped Tooth Could Be A Bigger Problem Than You Realize

image of young woman worried about her smileWhat is the “right” amount of concern to feel over a chipped tooth? Are you overreacting if you treat this problem as a serious issue, or is it something that should be dealt with as soon as possible? The problem can be a potentially serious one, as it could put your tooth at risk for infection or further damage. You should be particularly concerned if it is difficult to bite with the tooth, or if you are in pain. Our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office can arrange to meet with you and evaluate the tooth if you are concerned about its health. Even if the problem proves to only be cosmetic, we can recommend treatment that fully addresses your concerns about it. (more…)

Practicing Good Oral Hygiene At The End Of The Day

example of a couple brushing their teeth at nightBefore turning in for the evening, you should carve out some time to care for your smile. In addition to brushing, it is recommended that you floss in order to keep the spaces between your teeth clean and healthy. While a healthy smile is something you want at all times, nighttime preventive dental care can be particularly important. This is because your body produces less saliva while you sleep, which can make it easier for the oral bacteria present to multiply. Our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office can offer guidance on daily care when patients come in for routine dental services. We also offer a range of preventive and restorative dental treatments to help people avoid issues with poor oral health! (more…)