How Your Dentist Treats Sleep Apnea

virginia beach sleep apneaSleep apnea could leave you feeling exhausted during the day, even if you assume you rested well the night before! The disorder is also linked to loud and chronic snoring, which can impact your relationships. But we can help find the solution for you! In today’s blog, your Virginia Beach, VA, dentist talks about how we diagnose and treat sleep apnea.

The Causes and Common Symptoms

Sleep apnea is a disorder that occurs when you rest at night. Soft tissues in the back of your mouth and in your throat will become too relaxed and then collapse, which blocks airflow and causes you to stop breathing. Once the brain registers the sudden drop in oxygen, it interrupts your REM sleep to make you breathe again. For many, this interruption happens hundreds of times a night, even if you do not remember it. Over time, this means you are exhausted during the day, moody and irritable, and may have issues with memory or concentration. You could also snore frequently, and over time, experience stress on your immune system and heart health. Do not ignore these periodontal symptoms, see our team right away for sleep apnea treatment!

Diagnosing Your Sleep Disorder

To begin, we ask you questions to assess your sleep habits and possible symptoms. We may then recommend an overnight assessment with a sleep specialist to record any cessation of breathing episodes and other factors, such as blood oxygen levels. If we find you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, we can discuss treatment. While a CPAP machine is effective, we also offer an oral appliance that is simple to use and does not impact how you or your significant other sleeps at night.

Treatment with an Oral Appliance

The oral appliance is custom-made for your smile, crafted based on detailed digital images and measurements we take of your smile and oral structures. The device is worn as you rest and is made to gently shift the jaw and tongue forward to prevent the collapse of soft tissues in your mouth. You then breathe without interruption the entire night, and feel more rested and alert the next day. This also alleviates pressures on your immune system and heart health too. The oral appliance is easy to use and clean, and can be stored and travel easily too.

If you have any questions about the cause and complications of sleep apnea, or about treatment with a  custom and comfortable oral appliance, then contact our team today to learn more! We want you to sleep well and enjoy a good quality of life too.

Do You Have Questions About Treating Sleep Concerns?

You can call Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at (757) 428-7440 to schedule an appointment now, so our team can start care to help you sleep easier!