You may find yourself feeling somewhat shocked by your own admission that you’re not certain you’re brushing your smile correctly. After all, this is something you have been doing since you were a little kid, all on your own. Surely, you must be cleaning your tooth surfaces and gum tissue with an expert approach, right? As a matter of fact, it is possible that you may need some tips or tweaks when it comes to your dental hygiene method. Allow us to fill you in with some helpful details, so you feel 100 percent about your efforts.
You Practice Complete Brushing
One of the most common mistakes we find our patients committing in regard to dental hygiene is failing to brush sufficiently. For instance, maybe you brush most of your smile but you skip the interior surfaces that face your tongue; this is incomplete brushing. Or, maybe you brush your teeth and your gumline but you ignore your tongue; again, this is incomplete. What you should brush? Every tooth surface, along your gumline, and your tongue.
You Brush For Two Minutes
It’s easy to convince yourself that a quick brushing job is successful as long as your toothbrush bristles touch every surface that requires cleaning. However, in order to do a complete job, you need to brush for a period that lasts two minutes (every time you brush, to be exact).
You Brush When The Sun Rises (And Then Again)
For dental hygiene that consistently removes plaque from your smile and prevents the development of hygiene-related problems, you need to brush twice a day. This includes brushing when the sun comes up (in the morning) and again when the sun goes down (before you get into bed).