Restorative dental work takes care of threats to your smile that can seriously impact your appearance and well-being. Our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office is here to help when these issues arise. After we evaluate the problem, we can determine what kind of support you need. Timely treatment can conclude with the placement of a discreet dental filling. If you have a more significant problem with your tooth, including a problem with an infection or damage within your pulp, we can provide more advanced care to put the matter behind you.
Are You In Need Of A Restorative Procedure?
A restorative dental procedure can take on a problem with dental decay, or it can be performed to address physical damage that threatens your oral health. Our practice can identify a problem that requires treatment during a routine dental exam, or we can provide a review and treatment if you come in with concerns about discomfort. Once we know the extent of the problem with your tooth, we can determine what sort of service you require. Even if the problem is serious enough to require a dental crown, we can provide treatment that will not change your appearance.
We Can Do Work To Restore Your Smile Without Changing Your Appearance
Both our dental fillings and dental crowns provide years of important support, but they also provide cosmetic benefits by matching the appearance of healthy enamel. Our fillings are made with a composite resin substance that bonds to your enamel. When placed, it can blend in to avoid detection as it provides protection. A custom dental crown can be made to match your enamel as well.
We Can Also Help You Prevent Dental Problems
Remember that your dentist’s office is here to do more than just respond to problems. At your routine dental exams and cleanings, we provide services that help you stay safe against tooth decay. The cleanings that are provided during routine appointments remove the plaque and tartar buildup that can cause you to have problems with cavities as well as gum disease. Reviews also help us look out for signs of teeth grinding, or issues with stiff or limited jaw movement that should be addressed to reduce discomfort.
Talk To Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist To Arrange Restorative Dental Work
Through the right restorative services, people affected by dental decay or damaged teeth can have work done that preserves their appearance and oral health. Our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office is ready to provide services that help you recover from these issues, even when you have a problem that calls for root canal therapy. If you want to find out more, please reach out to Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at (757) 428-7440.