Beginning Invisalign treatment means beginning work to take on frustrating problems with your smile, but it also means tackling issues with malocclusion that can impact your oral health. As an alternative to metal braces, clear aligners make it easier for you to commit to treatment, as you will not have to worry about the effect that your appliances have on the way you look. By making the process easier and more discreet, we can make it easier for you to choose to start your adjustment at any time that feels right for you. Our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office is happy to meet with individuals who want to do something about poor teeth spacing, but remember that we are also able to offer cosmetic services that can hide these flaws in less time than you expect!
How Invisalign Treatment Improves Your Smile And Oral Health
With a set of Invisalign aligners, you can gradually move your teeth into better positions, which can make your smile more symmetrical as it corrects for glaring flaws like gaps and overlaps between teeth. These appliances are designed for individual patients—before your corrective work begins, we will perform detailed scans of your teeth and oral structures to make sure they are just right for you. For some patients, we can talk about the benefits of cosmetic dental work to address issues like gaps and overlaps that attract attention you do not want.
Planning Your Personalized Invisalign Treatment
Careful measurements of your teeth and oral structures are used to create a set of appliances that you will wear for a recommended period of time. As that time passes, you can see the gradual improvements as your teeth change their spacing for the better. This work is effective at more than just correcting esthetic issues, as it can also lead to better bite alignment and health.
Reviewing All Of Your Options For Improving An Uneven Smile
Through cosmetic services, we can hide problems with spacing that stem from issues with the way your teeth are aligned, or from problems with the shapes and sizes of certain teeth. For example, you can see desirable changes when you have porcelain veneers put in position to cover the issues you have with the way you look. This can also take on problems with smile color and dental damage, leading to significant overall changes. We can also offer CandidPro Clear Aligners, which give you more control over the treatment experience.
Talk To Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist About Invisalign Treatment
When you begin Invisalign treatment, you can take on the flaws with your smile alignment that have made you self-conscious about your appearance. This work can also have positive effects on your oral health! If you would like to find out more, please call Absolute Dental Care at 757-428-7440.