Did you know that by intentionally chewing as a habit throughout the day, you may be exacerbating an existing bruxism case or promoting the development of one? You might not think much about this type of activity on a day-to-day basis but if you are someone who needs bruxism treatment, it might be time to start. Rest assured, these are issues that are often overlooked by many patients and that we will be happy to help you address if necessary.
Habit #1: Biting Your Nails
If you’re biting your nails, you may be doing quite a number on your teeth and jaws. The consistent motion and awkward adjustment of your jaw may irritate your jaw joints. In addition, it can make bruxism worse. Rather than work against bruxism treatment, we encourage you to do all that you can to promote its success. Give up this habit for immense oral health protection.
Habit #2: Chewing Gum
The more you chew, the more it trains your jaw muscles and chewing reflex to fire off. As a result, you may grind or clench more frequently during the day (or at night if you brux during sleep). We encourage you to avoid chewing gum to protect yourself from this functional problem. In addition, if your TMJs are under any strain, avoiding this extra motion is beneficial.
Habit #3: Snacking (Or Chewing) On Hard Things
You don’t want to snack or chew on anything hard. Stop snacking on ice or something that requires a ton of chewing. The goal with bruxism treatment is to reduce the use of your teeth and jaws to the necessary motions, while avoiding overuse.