Perhaps you wake up one morning and realize your smile that you once prided yourself on because of its vibrancy is no longer quite so dazzling. Or, maybe you have been trying to ignore staining for a while but you have decided that now is the time to improve your smile with teeth whitening. While the motivation is important, qualifying as a candidate for this cosmetic procedure is equally necessary. Do you know what it takes to qualify? We can help you better understand the details with a Q&A session.
Questions and Answers: Whitening
Question: Can anyone just call up and schedule an appointment for teeth whitening? Or is there more to it than that?
Answer: There is certainly more to it. While most patients qualify, there are some particulars that we need to investigate first. The best thing for any patient to do is to schedule a consultation with us, so we can begin with a smile exam.
Question: Why do you need to examine my smile? Aren’t cosmetic treatments just focused on making esthetic changes?
Answer: Yes, cosmetic treatments like teeth whitening focus on improving the way your smile looks. However, if your smile is damaged or unhealthy in any way, it is only safe to restore your oral health and then move on with cosmetic care.
Question: Is there anything that might disqualify me from teeth whitening immediately? Is there another treatment I can rely on instead?
Answer: Yes, if all or part of your stained tissue is artificial (a dental crown, perhaps) then we may need to suggest something else. Whitening provides discoloration erasure only from natural teeth. Or, if you need significant stain care, we might recommend veneers.