Are you certain that you grind and clench your teeth but you’re not sure how often? Or, do you find it interesting that a lot of the strange symptoms you’ve been experiencing align with the side effects of bruxism but you don’t have any memory of grinding or clenching your teeth? When it comes to finding out if you need bruxism treatment, arriving at a final answer all on your own is going to prove quite tough. This is why we suggest you remember your six-month checkups with us, during which we can offer a diagnosis. For the time being, however, we can help you better understand whether treatment is something you might need.
Questions and Answers
Question: How do I know if I need bruxism treatment if I don’t even remember grinding or clenching my teeth? What if nobody tells me I’m doing it or it’s under the radar because I do it in my sleep?
Answer: Don’t worry. When you come in for your twice-annual checkups with us, we will gather a detailed understanding of your oral health, closely examine your smile, and speak with you about any changes in your usual sensations. If bruxism is affecting you, we can detect and treat it before it yields serious damage.
Question: What if I know I’m grinding my teeth or clenching them? Does it mean I definitely need bruxism treatment?
Answer: Not necessarily. If this is something you’re doing habitually and without intention, then you probably need treatment. If it’s a voluntary motion that you perform to relieve stress, you may simply need to practice finding another way of managing your tension.
Question: What if someone has heard me grinding my teeth but you don’t see any damage? Do I need bruxism treatment or do I need to wait until damage occurs?
Answer: This is a wonderful time to begin treatment because we can lessen the severity of the problem and prevent damage from ever happening!