You might find that your questions about toothpaste tend to grow and grow. At first, you assume you just need a few questions answered but then another inquiry pops into your mind. It happens to be the stuff you’re using on your smile every day (two times a day) to make sure your oral health remains in optimal condition, so asking questions is a good thing! Bring up your thoughts during visits (and get started with some helpful tidbits right now).
Young Children Need Less
If your child is younger than three years of age, cut way back on the amount of toothpaste you use during a dental hygiene session! While parents need a pea-size amount (the same is true for anyone over three years of age), youngsters need just a little smear (somewhere near the size of a single rice grain).
Everyone Needs Fluoride
Once your child’s first tooth erupts, it’s time for fluoridated toothpaste. Then all through the young years, pre-teen years, teenage years, and adult years it’s the same thing: You need fluoride. You might hear otherwise but don’t listen. It keeps your oral health safe by keeping teeth strong.
Kids Probably Won’t Like Your Toothpaste
If you try to give your refreshing toothpaste to your child, the toothpaste you love so much because you can practically feel it protecting your oral health as it tingles … your little one probably won’t like it. If it’s too strong, you’ve got a problem on your hands! Instead, keep kids happy with children’s toothpaste. There are lot of yummy flavors (and often fun characters on the tube) that will make brushing time enjoyable.