The condition of your oral health relies in part on preventing problems with bacteria, which is something you likely already know. Tooth decay is the result of bacteria in your mouth. Infection is the result of bacteria that make their way inside your tooth. So, should you be doing something to manage bacteria and keep them to a minimum in your smile? The answer is a big “yes!” Brush as we recommend, floss as we suggest, and don’t skip a checkup. If you need a restoration, schedule it. It’s that easy. There are also a few things we’d like you to remember.
#1: It’s Sneaky
Don’t assume that bacteria are something that will be quite obvious to you. First, you’re not going to be able to see them. Second, they’re going sneak into any tiny hiding place they can. They’ll gladly enter your tooth if there’s even the tiniest opening. So, remember that just because everything looks okay doesn’t mean you’re protected. Hygiene and dental care are still necessary.
#2: It’s Everywhere
Set your wet toothbrush down on a countertop and it’s probably picking up bacteria. Your fingertips, unless recently washed, likely have bacteria on them. So, remain mindful of what goes near your mouth and how you store things: It will help protect your oral health and general health.
#3: It’s Manageable
Right, we did say it’s everywhere. However, that doesn’t mean you need to quarantine yourself and live in a bubble. It just means that it’s important to keep these details in mind, so you don’t become too relaxed about your oral health. Keep your brush clean, wash your hands before you floss, and let us do our job by examining your smile. As a result, you can keep bacteria-related problems to a minimum!
Visit Us To Keep Your Smile In Exceptional Shape
Fortunately, we can help you prevent bacteria-related issues with dental checkups and required care! Contact Absolute Dental Care today in Virginia Beach, VA to schedule a visit by calling (757) 428-7440. We proudly welcome patients Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, Suffolk, Hampton, Eastern Shore, and all surrounding communities.