There are many ways to enjoy a nice, calm, serene visit when you head in to our Virginia Beach, VA dental practice! It doesn’t matter whether you’re seeing us for your routine preventive dental visit, if it’s for a cavity to be filled, to discuss cosmetic care, or anything else! Instead, it’s all about ensuring you are in a comfortable state that will best promote a lovely experience. Of course, you can also count on us to provide compassionate, gentle care, too! As for the hints that will help with your side of things, our Virginia Beach dentist is happy to share!
Avoid Too Much Caffeine, Sugar, Etc.
How do you feel when you’ve had a ton of sugar and caffeine? Somewhat jittery, a bit on edge, somewhat cranky, and then you crash? Yes. We thought so. While you are more than welcome to enjoy your mochas, your cappuccinos, and sweets when you’re out living your life, we do strongly suggest you save this indulging for just that: A time other than your dental visit with your Virginia Beach dentist. As you might imagine, lying still for any checkup or treatment, while highly caffeinated or sugared out is just not a lot of fun. Feeling calm? Much better.
Eat Light
Your next visit with your Virginia Beach dentist is probably not the time to show up having eaten a very heavy meal. Why do we say this? Well, on the other end of the spectrum, when you show up for dental care, you’d probably prefer not to feel lethargic and ready for a deep-sleep nap because it can, again, make receiving care, while you follow our cues, a lot less comfortable if you keep feeling like you’re going to doze off. (Hint: You also don’t want tummy troubles!).
Come In With Clean Teeth!
Yes, you’re coming in for a professional dental cleaning, which leaves you wondering whether you should come in with teeth that are already clean. Does that defeat the purpose? Support it? What’s the right thing to do here, you wonder? Your Virginia Beach dentist reminds you that you should always perform a tooth brushing session before a visit!
Wear Something That’s Extremely Comfortable
Comfort is the name of the game during dental visits! So, if you run warm, wear something light. If you’re always cold, bundle up a bit. Address your needs and you’ll be nice and comfy.
See Us For Easy, Enjoyable Care
Remember that coming in to see us for your twice-a-year dental checkups and cleanings is something that takes up very little time, that can be very enjoyable, and that benefits your oral health significantly! Contact Absolute Dental Care today in Virginia Beach, VA to schedule a visit by calling (757) 428-7440. We proudly welcome patients Virginia Beach and all surrounding communities.