There are certainly different ways you might respond to your cracked tooth. You might just wince, take some medicine, and try to convince yourself it’s going to be perfectly okay if you just hope hard enough. Of course, as you may have guessed, our Virginia Beach, VA team certainly does not suggest or approve of this method! Your Virginia Beach restorative dentist does, however, offer you some simple steps that will lead you from this not-so-lovely moment of oral health damage toward the restored tooth, smile health, and comfort you deserve. Consider the details for quick success!
Relax And Leave The Area Alone
Your Virginia Beach restorative dentist knows that when you crack a tooth, one of the first things some of our patients will want to do is poke around in their mouths! You may wish to push on the tooth, touch it, see if you can somehow manage to fix it, and more. We understand. However, we also strongly advise you to completely leave the area alone. Don’t use it to chew. Also: Take a deep breath! We know that this isn’t your favorite moment but we will repair it!
Contact Us Immediately
Now, the next very important step, according to your Virginia Beach restorative dentist is that you call us. You need to let us know that you have a seriously damaged tooth right away, so we may schedule you to see us for a checkup immediately. Remember that cracks come in a variety of lengths and widths and we need to see you ASAP to determine the severity, the correct restorative treatment, and so we may save you from dealing with any potential side effects. This is certainly one time that you do not want to procrastinate!
Take An OTC Pain Reliever (If You Wish)
Does your tooth hurt? It probably does. If so, your Virginia Beach restorative dentist reminds you that while you should most certainly continue to leave the area alone, you may address the discomfort by taking an over-the-counter analgesic to relieve inflammation and pain. A chilly compress placed against your face over the affected area will also offer relief (just don’t place ice directly against your skin).
Say Yes To Care!
Agree to the restorative care we suggest to fix the tooth!
Address Your Cracked Tooth ASAP
Don’t ignore a cracked tooth. Come in to see us just as soon as you can, when you deal with any type of damage, so we may assess the situation, suggest restorative care, and then swiftly save your oral health! Contact Absolute Dental Care today in Virginia Beach, VA to schedule a visit by calling (757) 428-7440. We proudly welcome patients Virginia Beach and all surrounding communities.