Chronic Bad Breath Can Be A Sign Of Gum Disease

It is hardly surprising to find that your breath could use some freshening after a heavy meal, or one with stronger flavors. If you frequently have to do something to mask the odor of your breath, you could be dealing with an oral health issue. Halitosis is one of several issues that can accompany gingivitis. If this condition is identified in time, you can combat it through a persistent oral care routine that works to clear bacteria from your gum line. Fighting gingivitis is important, which is why your Virginia Beach, VA dentist will recommend a special cleaning to fight periodontal bacteria when you show symptoms during a dental evaluation. If not treated in time, the condition can grow more advanced and become harder to control.

Persistent Bad Breath? It Could Be An Oral Health Issue

Persistent bad breath can be more than just a reason to carry mints. Unpleasant odors can be a sign of oral bacteria buildup, or an issue with food debris left behind on your teeth. Generally speaking, you should see this issue as one that points to the need for a more persistent oral hygiene routine. The more work you can put into keeping your smile clean, the less likely you are to develop more serious problems that can affect your smile and health.

Pay Attention To Signs Of Gingivitis

Halitosis is just one symptom of gingivitis – there are others that you should know about if you want to keep your smile healthy. If your gums often bleed when you clean your teeth, it can be an indication that you have an infection that should be addressed. You can also pick up on signs like red or swollen tissues, or the movement of your gum line.

Gingivitis is just the initial stage of a periodontal infection. In time, a person can develop periodontitis. This makes it difficult to maintain healthy gum tissues, and it can put you at risk for tooth loss! The bacteria that build up beneath your gums can create new problems for your health when they travel to other parts of your body.

Fight Periodontal Problems With Smart Oral Hygiene

The effort you put into cleaning your smile at home can protect you against tooth decay as well as gum disease. Removing oral bacteria from your gum line is important – to do this well, you should work to remove bacteria that might be present at the base of teeth. You can do this by brushing with the bristles at a forty-five degree angle over your gum line. When you floss, bring the floss down to your periodontal tissues gently to remove the bacteria that are present between your teeth.

Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist Can Address Oral And Periodontal Health Issues

At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, patients are provided quality oral health care during routine visits, as well as access to services that can address active smile problems. To find out more about how we can help you care for your smile, call Absolute Dental Care at (757) 428-7440.