Information On TMJ Treatment

If you consistently feel jaw pain and stiffness, you may have an issue with your oral health known as TMJ disorder. This problem occurs when your jaw is no longer in alignment. Once this happens, it can be difficult for you to go throughout your typical day without experiencing pain and stiffness as well as problems with headaches, facial pain, teeth grinding, and more! Our Virginia Beach, VA dental office is prepared to help. By evaluating you and determining what issues you have with jaw pain, we can recommend treatment to ease tension and improve movement.

Are You Someone Who Needs Help With TMJ Disorder?

There are many signs that can point to problems with TMJ disorder. One is that you frequently have aches and pains that affect your jaw, including discomfort that effectively limits your movement. Another concern is that you are grinding your teeth more often, particularly while you are asleep. These issues, along with headaches, neck and shoulder pain, and more can be discussed with your dentist. By bringing up this matter, you can learn about the solutions that can lead to lasting relief!

Planning Your TMJ Treatment In Order To Improve Your Quality Of Life

With the right TMJ treatment, you can ease tension on your jaw so that daily discomfort is no longer a concern for you. To correct an imbalance in the joints, we can produce a customized oral appliance that will keep your lower jaw in a more comfortable position. This can lead to welcome relief from pain, and it can encourage better movement. Customized appliances are also helpful when taking on problems with frequent nightly teeth grinding.

How TruDenta Helps Us Personalize Your Care

To thoroughly assess your current jaw movement and find the imbalances that need to be corrected, we can rely on TruDenta to closely evaluate you. With this advanced technology, we can provide a detailed study of your jaw, something that leads to a better review and more personalized care! Based on the evidence of TMJ disorder we observe during a dental exam, or based on your request for an appointment to discuss pain, we can determine if this kind of review is beneficial in order to treat you and improve your quality of life.

Talk To Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist About TMJ Treatment!

Through TMJ treatment, we can take on the problems with your bite that are negatively impacting your quality of life. Through the appropriate care, we can ease tension on your joints and muscles, and we can encourage the kinds of adjustments that have lasting benefits for you. If you would like to find out more about how we can take care of you, contact Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at 757-428-7440.