What solutions can your dentist offer if you have concerns about your smile? At our Virginia Beach, VA dentist’s office, we provide services for people who have poor oral health as well as those who are focused on making cosmetic changes. If you are someone who feels self-conscious about the way they look, we can discuss services that minimize changes to tooth structure while still producing meaningful esthetic benefits. The options open to you include conservative tooth bonding and contouring work that can resolve different flaws in as little as one appointment. We are happy to review the benefits of this or any other cosmetic treatment we offer, and we can also provide a review to make sure that there are no oral health difficulties that may require treatment.
How Tooth Bonding And Contouring Work Changes Smiles
Tooth bonding and contouring services can make targeted corrections to flaws that have made people self-conscious about how they look when they reveal their teeth by smiling or speaking. When performed together, they can lead to lasting improvements while still avoiding the need for permanent restorations. The contouring process takes care to reshape teeth that look unflattering; this work can reduce a larger tooth in size, and it can also fix problems with those that appear jagged or uneven. A bonding treatment is capable of hiding flaws like dental damage, discoloration, problems with spacing, and more. Depending on the number of teeth that you are interested in restoring, this is work that we can complete in as little as one appointment, making it a timely as well as conservative approach to treatment.
What If My Tooth Needs More Than Just Cosmetic Support?
If you need to do more than just restore a tooth’s appearance, it is important that you undergo the appropriate restorative dental work. Not doing so means leaving you vulnerable to problems with enamel damage or poor bite support; if you are ignoring active decay, it can mean infection and the loss of your tooth! During your review, we can assess whether you need to have more involved care. If so, we can still proceed with a treatment to improve how you look. This is because we can provide dental crowns that actually resemble healthy teeth.
Talk To Your Virginia Beach, VA Dentist About Tooth Bonding And Contouring
There are different cosmetic dental procedures that are available to our patients. The services open to you include work in the form of tooth bonding and contouring, an approach that can produce results in as little as one appointment! If you have questions about this service or want to find out how it can help you reach your improvement goals, please reach out to Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at 757-428-7440.