When you think about orthodontics, you probably don’t picture this as an esthetically-pleasing procedure. But with Invisalign®, our team can straighten crooked, crowded, and overlapping teeth with a cosmetic touch. In today’s blog, your Virginia Beach, VA, dentist provides clear and comfortable Invisalign® aligners.
The Reasons We Need Orthodontics
Dental misalignment isn’t just a cosmetic concern, as in addition to changes to your smile’s appearance, misalignment can have negative impacts on the health and function of your bite too. Uneven teeth make thorough brushing and flossing difficult which in turn increases the risk of tooth decay and even periodontal health issues. The strain on your bite from malocclusion could lead to painful complications like TMJ disorder and chronic teeth grinding (bruxism). To obtain an attractive smile, as well as better oral health and bite function, you need to undergo orthodontic treatment. Our team can offer a barely noticeable option with Invisalign®.
The Invisalign® System
The Invisalign® process doesn’t involve metal brackets or wires at all. Instead, you will wear a set of clear and comfortable aligners for 20 to 23 hours a day on average, over a period of about two weeks. After which you move on to the next set in the series and continue the process. As you do, your teeth are gently guided into their proper position. Being removable means you don’t have to alter your diet, and that brushing and flossing your teeth is much simpler too. For most adults, treatment takes around a year, while tens or those with more advanced misalignment may need up to 18 months.
Creating Your Custom Aligners
How do we create your custom aligners? As part of the Invisalign® treatment, we will need to assess the cause and extent of your misalignment to see if this is the right choice for you. If so, then our team will gather detailed digital images of the teeth from multiple angles. We then combined them to create a 3D model, one far more accurate and precise than traditional physical impressions, plus no biting down on molds filled with goo!
In a lab setting, experts will use the impression to design and create a series of aligners. You then start treatment. In addition, we can often show you computer generated images of what your improved smile could look like! If you have any questions about Invisalign ® then contact our team today to learn more. An even and stunning smile is always possible!
Talk to Your Virginia Beach, VA, Dentist About Our Custom Aligners
We want to offer straighter smiles with orthodontic aligners that are clear and fit comfortably. Call Absolute Dental Care in Virginia Beach, VA at 757-428-7440 to schedule an appointment and start your orthodontic journey!